The President endorses a call for possible civil war

Why is it “dangerous and irresponsible”?

No? Let’s see how things are if he gets reelected.

We liberals hate hyperbole.

Did what happen? People start claiming that everything that wasnt vetted by the administration was fake news and cant possibly be true?

Hell yeah its happened.

No, the rules changed?

Case in point.

Looks like some people need some remedial English/Grammar.

Very common problem with the easily offended.

My apologies, that should have been a question.

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Now Im obligated to ask what youre getting at.

Dont blame me that someone else didnt get across the point they were trying to make the first time.

At least he admitted his mistake and corrected it. Can we expect the same of you?

Were the rules changed?

I was speaking about those who do not understand what the tweet was actually saying.

Who are you speaking of?

And just what mistake did I make that I need to correct?

I’ll call your speculation, and raise you nearly three years of actual history.

I wouldn’t call it a civil “war” yet, but I would certainly call it a fracture. You © blame Trump. I blame you ©.

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Thats my bad…or the systems…it showed that that response was a response to my post right before it…thought you were implying I overreacted to Sneakys post.





what’s the deal with the copyright symbol? If you’re trying to ascribe blame to me, then just go ahead and blame me.


Let’s ask the residents of Alabama.