The problem is flagging and if has offended everyone and anyone in which the old forum didn’t have. Now I’m only expressing my opinion here but everyone feel they’re being slighted.
You have one side complaining about other side but yet they do exactly what they’re complaining about to other posters.
For me…I like a serious discussion, specially about political philosophy. Sadly that’s doesn’t seem possible.
So basically…members have created this situation.
Also I believe Fever pitch is private…so only members can see it. Mods can correct me on that.
Do you have the same level of concern for the gutter accusations about “libs?” There are tens of millions of them and many who are members here. Yet I don’t see them protected in the same micromanaging fashion. Which is fine. I am not saying they should be. As a proud Christian, I can stick up for me beliefs the same as anyone else.
Besides, this is all subjective anyway. And predicated on an assumption of what will happen. And who will have feelings hurt based on said assumption. It’s still not clear at all what makes something “trolling” versus not other than the given mood of a respective mod at the time.
a statement of the current level of political discourse in America, you want people to have more adult conversation its hard to do so when the only news is the President ramble on twitter.
America wanted gutter politics and it got gutter politics.
Not at all. There’s no limit that I’m aware of. All we’re saying is do it like adults. There were a couple of good, legit threads started today. A couple of times some people started to drag them down and a nudge brought it right back.
It went from a claim about the Trump case to a completely different argument between two people in the middle of the thread about the NRA. A good thread.
If you want to argue about the Trump charity case, go start a thread on it and argue away.
When you turn every single thread into a Trump thread, there’s going to be some of it.
And that’s not true, you were not warned to not mention the Trump charity case. You were warned not to turn yet another thread that had nothing to do with Trump into a Trump thread.
It is an insulting name. A lack of comprise with an accepting forum for trolling and ribbing political discourse seems by design to demotivate most members from posting ever again. Is that the end goal here? It seems to be working.
Like I said. Clear as mud. You’ve just created a brand new, subjective rule out of thin air based on your (or another mod’s) feelings at the time.
It’s your forum. We have to abide by your decisions if we want to be here. I’ll accept this new micromanaging moderation if I want to be here.
But please understand from my perspective, which I believe is shared by a large number of people here, there is no understanding of what you guys are subjectively deciding is “trolling” versus legitimate discussion. It seems that discussing Trump is the line of demarcation though. As if he is now a quasi-protected topic.
The current actions are a sure fire way of driving long time posters… and I mean people who have been discussing things here for like a decade… away from the board.