Good grief man. You’ve been around these parts for a long time. You’ve been around political forums for a long time. Having people insult the POTUS in the 2nd and 4th and 10th and 15th post is just part of the territory. It was this way with W. Bush on these forums. It was this way with Obama on these forums. It has been this way with Trump on these forums.
Until now. Now it’s being micromanaged and deemed unacceptable. The first 16 years it was fine. But not now. Now reference in political discussions to the President and Chief Politician of the country is only allowed when subjectively the moderator accepts it. When they subjectively decide not to accept it, then it’s trolling. Okay. Clear as mud.
One more off-topic (but not off-forum) post, and I’ll shut up. In the past, I have noticed that my intuition and desire for objective justice are assets to my moderating. However, I think I am often too “hot-headed” to really lead anything.
I mean, I don’t usually go out searching to be mean to people, but if they attack me, I seem to think it is open season. I also tend to hold strong opinions on one topic, almost to the extent of entitlement. That topic being abortion. I know I need to work on this. It’s not easy, but it needs to be done.
This is the crux of it isn’t it? Our host has attached himself to Trump, and you can’t have too many anti-Trump posts on this forum. It was never an issue before with Bush, or Obama, but all of a sudden, it’s an issue with Trump.
No, not insult the POTUS. I don’t care about that. The “Biden gonna hurt God” thread is a perfectly legit thread. Good OP.
Falwell’s zipper and Graham etc, are the drag down. It’s the oneupmanship. Then “they’re bad Christians” “How can a Christians want weapons of war”. Now we’re in the gutter and completely off topic. And insulting 60 million people, some of whom are members here.
No. I’m not talking about the Macy’s windows. We were directly warned about mentioning the Trump charity case. Which was an integral part of the discussion. @hwyflier even started a CF thread asking why his post to Conan was moved, when it was topical, relevant, furthered the discussion. The only explanation was it was “trolling” because it mentioned Trump. The same as your “mod note” in the thread.
Which was placed immediately after me and brouski had a back and forth about the Trump charity in relation to the NRA situation. No trolling there at all. But a reprimand for it nonetheless.
This is what trolling and drama will also do in the long run. I have seen it too many times in other groups, in other forums. People find the drama entertaining for all but a second, and then when it keeps persisting, they leave. I actually had an argument about this last year with an admin of a Facebook group that I was moderator of. I said that drama is going to kill the group and she said “no, it draws people because people like drama.” And that’s where our rivalry- to put it mildly- started.
With that said, I’ll be damned if I’m going to let one of my favorite message boards go to the dumpster with the drama. No, I won’t allow it. Too many political discussion groups have already gone that route. We need to restore balance to the forums. Part of that is the moderators’ and administrators’ job, but part of that responsibility rests on the members’ shoulders too. It’s a lot easier to moderate a group when the members have a mutual understanding.