The Personal Defensive Weapon


Why is it a "Personal Defensive Weapon"in the hands of Federal agents but an “Assault Rifle” or "Weapon of War, in the hands of civilians?

The only difference is in who possesses them and of course if you read your own definition, the “Personal Defensive Weapon” is a select fire weapon where the civilian models are semi auto only.

It’s better to just admit you hadn’t read it and move on.

Because Federal agents are supposed to be the good guys protecting us from harm.

Civilians can be good guys but their kids or wacked out family members can get their hands on the PDW, or they can be bad guys, etc.


Seriously, you’re the gun nut here. You should already know this.

“Personal Defense Weapon” is not a description of what the gun is for. It’s a description of a specific type of rifle they are trying to buy.

I did read it - and if you had read through this thread before posting, you would have seen that I already had this conversation hours ago.

I linked to the actual RFP, too.

Kids and bad guys get their hands on police and federal agents firearms with some regularity so that certainly fails the smell test.

If she’s going to want to fire that gun at an intruder, she needs to practice with it and get used to it.

I’m surprised Rose didn’t point that out. :grinning:

Also, make sure you tell all of your relatives, whether in country or overseas, and any friends you may have, that your home is armed and any noises in the house or outside the house, such as desperate banging at the door by someone in need of help, for example, get shot at first and apologized to later, if they are still alive.

Sez you.

Yep … which I did. (Did you?) And from those specs, a short barreled M-16 (select fire AR-15, aka an M-4) would qualify under that RFP. The only thing that distinguishes the rifles being sought from the AR-15 available to civilians is the length of barrel and the capability of full auto fire.

No, you didn’t read it before making the quoted statement. If you did then you were intentionally misrepresenting what the article states.

Just an aside, but I’ve lived in urban areas most of my life; the South Bronx, Brooklyn and Newark, NJ. I never felt the need to have a gun for protection. And never had a problem.

Why do people that live in rural areas feel they need guns for self protection?

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No, “sez” Kate Steinle".

Here’s just a few more.

# Homeland Security Agents Lose 165 Firearms, 1,300 Credentials in 31 Months

# ICE Agent Leaves Gun On Top Of Car, Drives Off, Loses Gun

# FBI counterterror chief, reportedly drunk, loses weapon

Shall I go on?

You still haven’t come up with anything resembling a rational explanation for calling a gun in the hands of federal agents a “Personal Defensive Weapon” while the same exact gun is classified as an evil “assault weapon” when owned by the public.

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The AR-16 never really entered production, and was chambered for a 7.62 cartridge.

The M-4 is a carbine version of the AR-15. I haven’t read the specs, but it is entirely possible that the M-4 fits the RFP. I still don’t know what your point is.

If you put a longer barrel and a good scope on a AR-15, it’s a DMR. That doesn’t mean it’s not also an assault rifle, and a PDW.

Just read the whole thread. It’ll save us both time.

The point was yours. Why are you asking me? And if you are going to post links to support your point, the least you could do is read them.

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Well you’ve been lucky Bob.

In the US we have on the order of 2.8 million violent crimes each year and the average person will be the victim of 2 felonies in their lifetime.

As for city/rural, most of the gun owners in the US live in urban and suburban areas not the rural parts of the country and self defense is the number one stated reason for buying a firearm.


The context of this thread is still here for everyone to see.

I have and I have yet to see the rationale other than to demonize the same gun when in the hands of a civilian and to pretend that the nature of the gun changes when in the hands of gov’t agents.

Of course the funny part is that they are almost never used to assault anyone in the hands of civilians but they are the choice of weapons for police and federal agents who actually are conducting assaults.

No, the M-4 is a cut down lighter carbine version of the M-16 Rifle.

It sure is.

And what rifle is the military M-16 developed from?

(Hint: the AR-15)