The one and only take away from the Iowa caucuses

When was this a problem before?

The thing is Iowa loves the attention of being first.

Its been a problem. A number of folks have pointed this out. That Iowa should be able to have an outsized effect on the shape of the primary is insane. Im a fan of Snow’s idea though because it still encourages regional campaigning.

Tulsi Gabbard is of mixed decent including Asian, Polynesian, and Caucasian.

Andrew Yang is of Asian descent, his parent immigrated from Taiwan.



Gabbard and Yang are candidates.

California should just decide all elections :wink:


Due to a previous change in rules by the Democratic National Committee, only 3 States are holding Democratic caucuses in 2020, down from 14 in 2016. 11 States changed from caucuses to primaries in one cycle.

The remaining caucus States are Iowa, Nevada and Wyoming. Four territories use caucuses but they are so small as to be entirely irrelevant.

On the Republican side, Iowa is the only caucus being held this year.

The goal for 2024 should be to wipe out the remaining caucuses and conduct a pure primary system.


When the democratic party went fully down the of identity politics, political correctness, and intersectionality rabbit hole, after some research it’s always been there but didn’t go full “Mad Max Fury Road” style until 2014.

I didn’t see the whole thing, but I did see where there were people voting for Yang, but I didn’t see any for Gabbard, or even hear her mentioned. Did you?

should taxpayers foot the bill for the libertarian party? reform party? green party? constitution party?

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The “bill” is negligible. One an election is held, the costs are negligible to add parties to the ballot. And parties pay fees to get on the ballot, so what little cost there is is pretty much mitigated by the collection of fees.

In any event, most third parties use district, regional and State Conventions to select their delegates to their National Convention. They are unlikely to be interested in holding primaries. And caucuses for a third party is a much different deal than caucuses for the two large parties, due to the insignificant number of people who would show up for third party proceedings.

Some States, such as Florida, do hold third party primaries during their regular primary election for Federal and State offices, though such primaries are uncommon.

I think the damage has been done. There is no way to trust the numbers coming out of Iowa. They need to step in with the other states. How many times have they screwed up this century? It seems every election there is some issue with these caucuses.

Eh, I don’t think this is a taking point with Biden in 4th.

They “screwed” up in 2012, 2016 and now 2020.

That app they paid for helped them as much as that Steele dossier did.:rofl:

Meh- I’ll take diversity over a lily white and mostly male GOP any day…

this is gonna be rich

so the party decided to release the results with 62% reported showing pete over bernie and biden over 15. news will run with “pete wins, biden makes cut!”

what will they say when there all counted and it ain’t so?

All should be on the same day.
