The one and only take away from the Iowa caucuses

Are these going to be updated or are they just going to release an unfinished count?

No, they aren’t. They are also rans.

But not in the White House.

i think the “takeaway” is that Bernie did way too well so there were “issues” lol

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Yet him being n the top two is the current headline news :thinking:

i see that. right behind gay petey

Because you never want gay Petey behind you, amiright?

I am less and less inclined to support dictating to folks how to run their business. As general rule I am supportive of compressing primary season.



That guy doesn’t even look like he was born here! Have we checked his birth certificate?


it wouldnt bother me.

Diversity of skin pigmentation not diversity of opinions. The democrats are running a straight up white ticket that has zero to do with the GOP.

I would note that it would not be the government dictating to the States but the National Parties dictating to the State Parties in regards to mandating primaries.

This is your Congress:


78 women
48 blacks
30 Hispanics
16 Asian


26 women
3 blacks
13 hispanics
0 asians

Demographically the GOP look seriously out of step with the country.

He’s not the President anymore, you’re back to old white folks.

Dems: Gays, women, blacks, latinos, whites…diversity!

GOP: White dudes over 55…and um…and…

White House.

Learn your lesson?

Yup- our last president. Black. Or were you thinking that democrats have to only vote for a black person for president from now on?

So you © learned your lesson?

No, Latino would be good. Or a woma… never mind. Sorry.