The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

it’s not.

I can spot a sucker a mile away.

In a mirror maybe.

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This says a lot.


Obama looks old!

Turn about is fair play.



But Newsweek says Joe Potato Head is now beating Donald Trump in the majority of recent polls
What happened?


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Why don’t people read the articles they post? No one. Is say Biden is leading in all major polls.

Well it does say: “Joe Biden is now beating Donald Trump in the majority of recent polls”
And I fixed my post.

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Which is not what you said. Read your article first. No one is saying Biden is leading in all major polls. And you capitalized ALL. You posted a false narrative and I don’t understand why. It’s in the title of the article.

We are like 5 political minutes away from unskewedpolls . Com videos being posted.

Oh I was here for unskewed polls. And yard signs being a thing. And people who go to political rallies being a thing. What’s always been an actual thing…the people who show up to vote. Dems ■■■■■■ that up in 2016. Hasn’t gone the Republican way since.

Sorry amico. I corrected my mistake by quoting the article.
Having a bad day are we?
For ■■■■■ sake don’t beat the wife or kick the dog! Please!

I don’t understand why people thought that when one person is campaigning and the other one is not that the polls are actually reflective of anything other than the fact that one person is campaigning and the other is not.

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The state of the election:

He’s not a threat to democracy but a treat for democracy.

The threat is the lawsuits and phony charges against the one time President.

Takes a lot of nerve to throw that rhetorical bile at Trump.


If he is innocent he is sure not acting like it.
And if he is innocent it will be overturned.
And if it is not. What will you do/
Do Trump supporters support the judicial system?