The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

You don’t do the shopping then.

That’s what I thought.


If businesses do not hire them problem solved.

If the IRS enforced the 1986 agreement made when 12 million illegals were legalized, they’d be prosecuting businesses that did and…problem solved. Our laws are NOT being enforced and it’s our government that is THE PROBLEM.

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The most ridiculous and absurd aspect to the inflation of food and energy is that Trump said this would happen in April 2020.

Trump implored Dem governor and health officials to keep the economy running and they closed what they could in spite of Trump and imaginary results.

Trump was right and Biden ■■■■■■ the recovery with anti energy EO’s

Analysis: Grocery Prices Nearing 40 Percent Higher Than In 2019

That is why we are here.

Let’s Go Brandon :joy:

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Did you read my post and realize how you were wrong about grocery prices being up 50% since 2021? How they’re up 21%? Care to comment on that?

Read the last post.

Trump said this would happen and it did after the useless shutdowns.

The prices reflect all that free money from lockdown governors.

21% is pretty bad. It’s worse than that.

Those living paycheck to paycheck feel it the most.

Remember how fun it was to accuse Trump of killing people when he did not agree with Fauci and Birx?

Trump fought to keep the economy going and he is still fighting to revive it.

So you were wrong. Grocery prices aren’t up 50% since Biden became president. Got it. They’re up 21%. Fun fact. You like playing with percentages. Your false claim of grocery prices being up 50% under Biden was off by 138%. :slight_smile:

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No thank you. Open borders, the end of give away spending and increased energy production are of more interest.
Plus the dangerous anti democratic weaponization of justice and attempts to control speech indirectly by pressuring media.

not gonna matter

there are billionaires on the left-o-crat side too. and their influence subverts all the silly “campaign” laws.

Going up 20 to 40 percent is not healthy and people are not happy.
Looks like the old pervert in the white house is not going to get his rate cut. Also looks like the hurt is just beginning.


What were y’all saying about Trump being campaign broke?


Unfortunately, Trump can talk cogently about any of that. His only skill is rabble rousing.

Which is great for MAGA, but it isn’t gonna turn a whole lot of independents, who remember what his first term was like

C’mon even his daughter in law said that it will all go to paying his personal/business legal fees.

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And I have read that the majority of his donors don’t care.

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Just like that Trump closes the campaign funding shortfall.

His opponents while trying to jail him are trying to convince voters he can’t do the same with Fed spending.

Good luck with that.


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Even if the amount raised in Florida is true, which I doubt because Trump has a history of bragging about size, he’s still behind by $100 million.

You’re forgetting the Trump multiplier. It’s 2x

We’ll see when they file the paperwork. Friendly wager…over of under $35 million?