The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

Yep, that one.

And now you see the sheer depths of the stupidity you entertain. :rofl:


:rofl: Go hang out at the grocery store and listen.



He said inflation is way down. It’s hovering around 3% now. It’s way down from what it was. Pretty self explanatory.

That may be the increase but the prices have already done their damage and are holding strong. Incomes have not gone up accordingly causing many to have economic problems. I’m sorry if this is over your head but if you take the Brandonite blinders off, it will help you see the reality around you.

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:rofl: Your metric is flawed. Inflation is not “down”, it’s rising more slowly. The river reached flood stage long ago, that it is rising more slowly is no solace at all to those already drowning.

You guys… :rofl:

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The prices aren’t “holding strong”, they’re still rising.

…at 3% while he’s ignoring how far they’ve already risen…which was my point.

3% rising.

Oh this misunderstanding again. Inflation is by definition an increase in prices. By definition it is down when the inflation rate lowers from the previous rate. That’s just the actual definition. If you want prices to actually go down, then we’re talking deflation. But the poster didn’t say we now have deflation. He said inflation is down. Which is correct.

Overall wage growth hasn’t kept up with inflation these past few years, but that trend has now flipped. Wage growth is now more than inflation year on year. Which is good news. It will take time to make up for the previous increase in prices when wages weren’t keeping pace, but wages are now outpacing inflation. That is a fact and it is good news.

Your metric is flawed.

:rofl: Who told you that?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics. Current year on year wage growth is 4.1%. Current Consumer Price Index rate 3.2%

Uh, huh…as the left is flooding our nation with 3rd world illegal aliens who’ll work for much less. Dude…just stop with the bull feces.

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And you just stopped right there and accepted it.

Boo Hoo another blow out Jobs Report.

Economy continues to head in the right direction on almost every measure.

Fed in a MUCH stronger position to step in at any sign of weakness.

The recession called for by many just never materialized.

Biden poll numbers improving which may be do in part to the continued robust economy.

Good News!!!

:rofl: “Blow out”? How many newcomers in March?

You are correct. Blow out.

When the economy has been adding an average of 270k jobs a month at the same time the Fed is raising interest rates from 0% to 5% and all the analysts predicted job growth would slow this month to 200K and it comes in over 300K and Jan/Feb revised UP another 22k - yes sir. Blow Out.

Enjoy it.

How many got aways in February?