The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)


Good googlymook. How wrong can one person be?


Might want to look at the etymology of the word "corporation. "

Yagurl blocked trading.

Caricature of a college freshman polisci major who read the jacket notes.


Won’t have to because it looks like the election is going to be all about the economy, crime and immigration. All of which have gone in the crapper since biden took over.

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Well, crime rates continue to drop and the economy continues to grow with low unemployment, rising wages and falling inflation with a hot stock market. So…

And Biden is actually doing a little better in the polls of late.

60% of voters say the most important thing this election is the economy. Inflation and prices. Gas prices are on the rise. Biden already emptied the oil reserves. Grocery prices are not going down.

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Again, these claims. The oil reserves weren’t emptied. But it makes a good talking point. Yeah we used SPR to help stabilize prices. I don’t know what you think the term “emptied” means. But it’s not empty. And slowly they’ve been adding more. The last monthly purchase got put on hold due to prices where we don’t actually make money buying it back. That’s one of those rules they have. That they’re very clear about. But in terms of grocery prices…not sure you know this but prices are supposed to go up. It’s why the Fed thinks prices should go up 2 percent per year. That’s healthy inflation. When prices start dropping that’s actually a problem. Deflation is a very very very bad sign.

True True.

And “the economy” is remarkably strong at the moment.

The Fed raised interest rates from 0% to 5% in the last 18 months to combat inflation and ‘the economy’ has powered right through that.

Inflation is way down. Jobs are very stable. GDP continues to be massive.

And now the Fed has a tool in their box if we see some softening - they can lower rates to stimulate 'the economy".

This is very bullish.

Biden Economy!

Love it!

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Trump economy is on its way.

When housing was obtainable and cars were bountiful.

Nolte: Donald Trump Holds Eight-Point Lead over Joe Biden

Grocery prices are 50 percent higher under Biden and it’s all tax.

Do you even read the things you post? Food prices are not 50 percent higher. Please read your articles first.

It’s literally on FOX right now.

Since 2019 fifty percent higher.

I buy groceries so I know.

Do you buy groceries?

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Just fuel prices round up to exactly 50%. Just like Trump said in 2020.

Trump was correct.

So I think this is really important so I want to explain this one really thoroughly. Because this is how misinformation spreads and becomes “fact” to people here and throughout the world. And Fox does this a lot but so do the other 24 hour news channels and your clickbait “news” sites. I’m going to post the article that you posted and clearly didn’t read:

And this is the correct percentage that Fox has in the actual article:

“Grocery prices have surged more than 21% since the start of 2021, outstripping the overall 18% pace of inflation during that same time period.”

So grocery prices have gone up 21% since Biden took office. But then Fox throws in this other percentage that is completely meaningless but that you and I’m sure many others took as saying grocery prices have gone up 50%:

"More than two-thirds of voters say that inflation has hit them the hardest through higher food prices, according to a survey published by Yahoo Finance/Ipsos in November 2023. That is more than 50 percentage points higher than any other category, including gasoline, transportation costs and housing expenses. "

Do you see how that quote is not actually saying that food prices have gone up 50%? But it makes you think they did. It’s saying that 50% more people in the survey say that food price increases have hit them hardest than other expenses. So do you understand why when you say that grocery prices are up 50% under Biden that this is absolutely not what Fox is saying? But you’re meant to think it is. And then people read this and then post it as “fact”. Do you understand?

Also, I don’t know what you’re “literally” seeing on Fox right now, but if they’re saying food prices are 50% higher on TV, you’ve also added in since 2019. Two years before Biden even became president. So that’s odd too.


Uh, huh…don’t report crimes and the numbers then appear to be going down for the sheople but…still…send in the national guard just for the hell of it. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Exactly. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Glad you agree. I think that 50% claim is pretty egregious misinformation.