The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

How did Biden make it about religion? By acknowledging a day that’s set on the calendar that happened to coincide with one that jumps around? And then got called anti Christian? No, Biden didn’t make it about religion. People here and elsewhere made it about religion once they were told to get upset about it. Now Trump is doubling down and making it all about religion.

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Such a hot potato now.

This was Biden.

I wouldn’t be so concerned.

A lot of people have already forgotten Hur said Biden was too age addled to face charges while Trump is able to fend off dozens and stay ahead in the polls.



Where is religion mentioned in the statement? If Biden made it about religion, how?

Biden didn’t make it about religion, the right did; in their typical bad faith way

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Why are people disavowing the association if it isn’t there?

Biden just proclaimed some niceties. No big deal.


It does move voters way beyond the Hur comments and that is a good thing.

Let’s Go Brandon!

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You think that this is the thing that’s going to drive independents?

Which thing?

There are plenty to pick from.

That’s true. The question is does it keep them home versus switching them over en masse. It’s interesting

I think the ■■■■ economy is going to be the primary motivator.

Its really really worse than what we have discussed so far IMO.

I look at the Vis Day as just another Brandon pratfall.



Is this what you are doing in the drag queen thread?


Nice try.

Once again, FAIL!

Sure, sure. You think it’s mean to put religious people down but are perfectly fine putting drag queens down. Just own it.

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You got something to say. Take it to the correct thread instead of attempting to hijack this one.

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Not hijacking anything. Exposing hypocrisy but carry on!

Once again.

Nice try.


Got something to say, take it to the correct thread

I think you hit the :dart:


It doesn’t say anything about a state actor.

Oh hogwash.

No. That’s wrong.