The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

I’ll take the over. What’s the bet?

From your own article:
“Democratic rival, incumbent President Biden, who is reported to have around $192 million on hand compared with just over $93 million for Trump.”

A $100M shortfall. Democrats should be terrified! :laughing:

Closes the gap? :laughing::laughing: You didn’t even read the article.

That retort is getting stale.


50 million from 100 guests? Drain the swamp indeed.


It’s the worst Billionaires also.

John Paulson, Steve Wynn, Jeff Yass, John Castimaditas… all ghouls who want to screw the average American for their own profit.


It’s down from the peak. it’s 1 point away from the target of 2%.

That’s good news.

Just a gentlemen’s bet. Interested to see where the numbers land. I don’t believe a word that comes out of the Trump campaign.

Only good billionaires donate to democrats…isn’t that right libs?


If Trump loses the 2024 presidential election, it will mainly be due to the issue of abortion.

I don’t think that Billionaires should exist in the first place.

But the one’s who are giving high dollar donations to a President and their idea of what is good for the American people is that they get more money… well… not really into those guys.


But yet democrats receive just as much and republicans from billionaires.

So what should we do with them? Confiscate their wealth since you don’t believe they should exist?


Realistically the idea of getting rid of billionaires isn’t going to happen.

But we can certainly put into place policies that will stop and hopefully reverse the trend of concentrating wealth into fewer and fewer hands.

The only people who seem to understand class warfare is the Billionaire class and they are winning.


What do pols need that money for?

No stakes. Boring.

What Trump’s position on it?

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That is astounding.

Take their money.

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To pander to people that are too lazy to think for themselves. Read some of the posts here. It works.

What do pols spend their campaign budgets on?