The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

Do you understand opinion and political philosophy?


See how that works.

You bet!

So perjury and obstruction of justice. If they found something on Trump like that, what are the chances they would just let it go?
Oh, and two tiered justice is exactly how it works.

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Shots fired at speech in Pennsylvania. Secret service has moved in and are surrounding Trump. Trump appears to not be injured.

This is news.


I was just going to ask what the heck just happened.

I figured they would have waited until maybe September maybe October to try to kill him

never underestimate Democrats like I’ve been telling you


You can thank MSNBC and the rest of our communist loving media personalities for this.

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RSBN has live feed. Suspect in wood line SS shot back.

Venue calmly exiting.

Trump appears OK. One report may have been grazed on ear.

Biden most of all.

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They may have screwed this one up too.

I am pissed it happened here and the rally is over.

I say this since it looks like nobody got hurt.

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this is (somewhat) near me too. prob took him to Pittsburgh hospitals.

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I am not seeing anyone hurt.

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lets hope not

Does look like Trump was hit.

SS was slow.

Sounded like a small cal.

Video in link.

May or may not have been injured, but it sure sounded like shots. Not really surprising. Millions have been told that Trump is worse than Hitler, Trump is an existential threat to our democracy, that maga supporters are semi fascists. Is it any surprise if someone thought they were doing the moral,thing?

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Update three minutes ago …

This may be the very best meme ever.


Did anyone else see this?

That is a rather considerable investment.



Saw that last night but does Musk realize that Vance proposed the Drive American Act, which will eliminate the $7,500 EV tax credit and replace it with a tax credit for US built gas vehicles.

Musk will want something in return for his investment. Illustrates why we need a new system of funding campaigns and elections but thats a whole other topic.