The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 2)

How true.

Do you even know what the definition of inflation is?


This is all going just swimmingly. The polling is landing exactly where you’d think after a presidential candidates becomes a convicted felon: not so good for the freshly minted felon.

I almost want to thank Trump for this. He could have just pleaded out like literally every other person involved and gotten a big slap on the wrist, but still a wrist slap. Misdemeanors, maybe soft probation, big fine. No one would care enough for it to get traction.

Now you have a “law-and-order” presidential candidate with thirty four Fs. Who can never own a gun ever again and, without De Santis directly intervening, wouldn’t be able to vote in his own election. And it’s questionable whether that will stand up under court scrutiny.

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Even the badass hood rat from the suburbs looks down on convicted felons now. :rofl:


That’s it.

Wallow in that hatred.

To bad it’s all going away in the appeal. (Not the hatred, your stuck with that) the “convictions “.

Not to mention it was all in vain as Trump will win in Nov.

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It’s cute you think Trump has a chance on appeal. His chances are slim to none. :rofl: :+1:

We’ll see won’t we.

And all for nothing as he will win handily in Nov.

This wasn’t a bench trial or a plea deal. A jury of twelve decided his fate, and even lickspittle conservative justices are extremely hesitant to overturn jury trial verdicts.

It’s funny, your conservative justices you’re so fond of ruled back in the 80s or 90s that factual innocence is not sufficient reason to overturn a jury verdict. Even if he was innocent. Which even you know that he’s not.


Like I said,

We’ll see won’t we.

But don’t let that stop you from wallowing in your hatred.

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So funny and accurate.

They have to use the hedge word convicted felon because the crime is even more fictional and ambiguous.



Meeting went very well.

Help is on the way.

Trump Meets with House Republicans in High Energy, ‘Unifying Event’ in D.C.


Crooked Joe ring any bells? How about The Biden Crime Family. Has a nice ring to it doesn’t it? And sure why not may as well throw in the whole family. Whose counting.
Unconvicted of course but who’s splitting hairs.
Anyhow, carry on.

Just skip to AI presidents and get it over with. All speechwriters gone, all humans become batteries for robots.

:rofl: What poll are you looking at?

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OMG! is Newsweek still around? Last time I saw a print copy of that rag it was only about 20 pages and half of them were advertisements for hearing aids, step-in bathtubs and staircase lifts. :laughing:

Uh oh


Shhhh. Let’s not interrupt them.



bluto rolling


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Should have stuck to the shark story.