The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 1)

He was NOT a good politician and did NOT surround himself with the best people. Now he’s got years of experience under his belt, has seen those he chose come out against him and IMO will do a much better job this time around due to that experience.

Doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results is the very definition of what…again?

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So nothing. And now for some “reason” you have faith that he will?

Based on what? Is he a politician now? Is he surrounding himself with best people now?

He appointed Wray.


Yet you will vote for Trump. Again.


You want Trump back in office? Are you missing the irony?


You’re paraphrasing an Einstein quote, but that’s not actually how insanity is defined. And Nikki Haley has never been president.

As will I. As opposed to Biden. Not in the primary in part for the same reasons you just outlined.

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If Trump and Biden are the nominees, most people will end up voting for someone they don’t really want to be president. This is what partisanship and the media has brought us to.

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DUDE…ARE YOU ■■■■■■■ KIDDING ME? Our country elected a demented idiot and he is still their leading candidate. It’s either plan A or plan B. It isn’t about who you would choose.

What does Trump think of Wray now? Can you tell if he learned anything by what he says now?

…if there’s no one better to fight the corruption at the very highest levels of our government? Then no question.

You can vote for Trump, Hailey, Ramenswami of even dig up Reagan and elect him. The fact remains:

No POTUS is going to “clean up” the FBI or any other agency.

They can’t. None of this is new-look at the Church Committee.

Hopefully I’ll be missing Biden

He didn’t.

No…I choose from the lessor of the evils and I am and have been for decades…unaffiliated.

Did you miss the irony of your post?

Too late. The next one will be the same. It’s systemic.


I disagree and would start with prosecutions for criminal behavior…like duping FISA Court Judges using known lies as evidence.

He didn’t.

Dude…you have ZERO credibility now run along. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

You don’t know anything about the Church committee, do you?