The Official Trump 2024 Candidacy Thread (Part 1)

I’m modifying this post because I didn’t understand your’s at first. I agree. The problem is deep but it must be addressed and IMO Trump is a good one to do it.


Give just one example of Trump learning from his mistakes in his presidency.

I have more examples of him making mistakes over and over…

Cheating multiple times
Running fraudulent businesses multiple times
Selected Sessions for AG then Barr for AG…
3 years later… still talking about voter fraud even though his own daughter and everyone close to him is telling him he is wrong.

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I’m sorry he wasn’t filmed saluting a North Korean general or doesn’t spend his time calling former cabinet and administration members (whom he hired) childish petty names or didn’t get up at 3am Thanksgiving morning to take a public dump on America.

Lol that goofball does not learn from experience.

He went through two ags and numerous chiefs of staff.

How does that show that he learns from experience?

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The worst part is him calling his former employees juvenile names and referring to them as incompetent and stupid.

Jeezuz what a nasty nasty pervert of a socalled leader.

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I don’t have the power to nominate candidates. Seems you think you do so who are you going to nominate?
Or are you going to do what you always do and follow what your ordered to do?
If you want change and want something, better use your vote to make a change.
Biden is a failure as a president. The country is worse off with him in the White House. But you’re so afraid of a man that in no different than biden.
You have let the tv people convince you that trump is going to destroy the country. So what you do is vote for a man that that is currently destroying the country because that man and the tv people have told you to fear trump.
Grow a backbone and stand up and say no. I don’t want what we have now. I don’t want what we had before.
What happens to the country is going to be on the heads of those who just follow along and do as told. I am not going to be in that group.

I can’t believe you said this. When the fact is you voted for the revenge President in 2020. A President who is supposed to represent all the voters. Who had a prime-time event to tell you and the whole country who they should hate. And you will vote for the same evil man again in 2024 because the tv people have told you how evil trump and his supporters are. Open your eyes and see what is really happening in the country.

It’s like you’re not even reading my posts. I literally just said I don’t want Trump or Biden and support Haley for president. I just donated to her campaign for the second time. What are you doing to support a third option?

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I have seen enough proof to come to the conclusion that jbiden is a crooked evil man. Who has no interest in doing what is best for the country. He is only in it to gain more power and more money for his family.
Unlike you I don’t want jbiden to be in jail. I just want him gone from power. Because that is what is best for the country. You go ahead and be giddy that you are going to get your revenge. The heck with the cost to the country. Just be sure to own what happens in the future.

It’s clear that you’re not responding to what I write and just want to post partisan rants. Enjoy yourself.

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No, I am sorry that you are so brain washer by the media that you can’t see that you are following orders like a good little sheep. You I am afraid to say are a partisan because you are unable to open your eyes and see. You have been told to hate trump while at the same time are nodding along and going to pull the lever for another evil man.
I have only voted third party once in my live. Said I would never do it again. Except I have a person in my life that showed me how those in power are counting on me doing that very thing. So, in fact I was nothing more than one member of a herd of sheep doing as I was told.
I will no longer do that. I will not vote for who those in power have decided we vote for. If more people left the herd change might just happen.

Trump has done absolutely nothing to address this problem. Except run his mouth.

All show and no go.

If you really want to change this, you have to have it all; congress, media, public support.

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Come on man.

Each less than the previous.

The 2024 election could very well be the fork in the road for the future of the US and I agree…the senate, the house, the WH and the preponderance of the public support all united to clean up this country. I think what Gaetz did and McCarthy’s replacement was a serious step in the right direction. Now…that political force that started this, needs to keep growing and winning.

I’m not following you.

Most important election of our lifetime!


You have google.