The obvious racism of the left

:crazy_face: says “Well that is only 1/2 racist cause she is only 1/2 black?” :crazy_face: <— closest ting I could find to a Trump supporter Emoji.

Free speech. Good people on both sides.

Southern strategy worked really well for trump supporters but it apoears that it’s becoming an albatross across their necks.

Man you really need to get out CEC bubble. There is no progressive liberals. Clinton is not progressive, most of Dem politicians are not progressives, they are GOP-centrists who vote lock step with GOP economic agenda. Ans you support Trump who is in deep with them as mad. Why think the big donors let him stay as POTUS, because he is giving them everything that they paid the Clinton wing of Dem party and GOP to do making the rich richer.

I love how these halfwits who willingly allowed Limbaugh to teach them the word “Halfrican” is the party that “doesn’t see skin color.” Bah haha!

Nice emoji.

It just makes republicans so angry that certain voting blocks see right through their ■■■■■■■■■ Don’t worry, you guys still have the “Gods2” people.

Who can forget all the years of saying Obama wasn’t “really black” and the touting of Herman Cain and later Ben Carson as the guys who could be “the first real black president.”

Don’t see color though!

All I am saying is the neither party is innocent. You have the in your face bigotry such as the one you mention. Which typically is smacked down and the bigot ends up going nowhere.

Then you have the other kind. The bigotry of low expectations. Rather than encourage people to stay off of drugs, not to commit crimes, not to scuffle with police, not to have a bunch of kids when you are too young and poor to handle them, to get a high school diploma and work to gain skills valuable to an employer. Do these things and you can succeed. We are pulling for you, we want to help. No, the bigotry of low expectations says: You cannot succeed. The racists will not let you. Your situation is hopeless. There is no reason to get educated or try to prepare for life because you will be oppressed. You cannot succeed. You need the democratic party and the government to take care of you.

And there you have it. The two types. Which is worse? You be the judge.

Nice touch. Deny they even exist.

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This is the problem with trump supporters, you just bunched up all of these conditions solely on the black culture.

Did you guys just discover YouTube or something?

Why not use what already exists to make a point? Your nonsense is nothing new. Why should our response be new?

Ecclesiastes 1:9
9 What has been will be again,
what has been done will be done again;
there is nothing new under the sun.

What?! Lol

I am black and that was sarcasm :roll_eyes:

Btw… are you black today or are you brown today, Ms Dolezal?

Don’t take it personally. He’s copy pasted that’s exact same response to at least a dozen posters that I’ve seen, including me.

Dude. Seriously.

I knew I saw that Clarence Thomas video before on here lol.


Anita Hill was black too. You are in good company.

People, stop feeding the troll.

Not exactly. I just pointed out the fact that the libs need to clean up their own act a bit as well. Which part is untrue?

All I am saying is the neither party is innocent. You have the in your face bigotry such as the one you mention. Which typically is smacked down and the bigot ends up going nowhere.

Then you have the other kind. The bigotry of low expectations. Rather than encourage people to stay off of drugs, not to commit crimes, not to scuffle with police, not to have a bunch of kids when you are too young and poor to handle them, to get a high school diploma and work to gain skills valuable to an employer. Do these things and you can succeed. We are pulling for you, we want to help. No, the bigotry of low expectations says: You cannot succeed. The racists will not let you. Your situation is hopeless. There is no reason to get educated or try to prepare for life because you will be oppressed. You cannot succeed. You need the democratic party and the government to take care of you.

And there you have it. The two types. Which is worse? You be the judge.

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