The Nordic Model of Healthcare

I guess four ROFLs is acceptable, too. :expressionless:

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That’s exactly why it is an argument.

So, the CIA data that doesn’t support your position can’t be used for policy, only for CIA purposes.

I disagree with the “better” sentiment.

I’ll give you three reasons why American healthcare is expensive.

  1. The current model reimburses well for procedures and poorly for preventative medicine. It is overall cheaper to assess and care for conditions early and treat them as chronic disease, but the emphasis now is on later stage care.

  2. The American system clamors towards newer expensive technology which often times has negligible, if any, benefits over older cheaper modalities/medicines. If it has a questionable survival benefit at 100x the cost, the more expensive option wins.

  3. Private insurance administrative costs/overhead.

A large, relatively young and healthy payor population is important. That is definitely not the only reason a European style health systems would be difficult to achieve in the US.

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Let me distill your argument down…

  1. Healthcare is having problems in Finland because of X.
  2. The US does not have X
  3. Therefore healthcare would not work in the US

Does that sound logical?

I love it when people post articles they didn’t even read first.

To be fair the title did offer some hope, albeit a forlorn one, in trying to construct what is a nonsense argument that the USA health care is better than the Finnish model.

You guys cannot be for endless birthrates and against climate change at the same time. The left had it right about 10 years ago when they were worried about the rising population more people equals more global warming.

We don’t need more people we need less people in the world.

They don’t use that ■■■■ lol. I’ve been to that site hundreds of times, as there is a lot of useful information there, but it is just regurgitated reports from whatever official sources are available for a given nation or region. Those sources vary widely in their reliability.

Since you said less rather than fewer, are you advocating that everyone should lose weight? For a significant number, that would materially improve heath outcomes.

I’m just paying it forward

It is not the west that is driving population growth……

The more impoverished people you can flood into the country the more people there will be needing government services! That’s the endgame. Year after year government (local, state, federal) is there year after year growing and spending more money promising all a better life, and year after year there are politicians pointing out how many more problems there are and how government is the answer.

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No it can’t.

Kill your radio

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Not sustainable and yet they pay 40% of what we do per capita.

You cant stop poplulation growth.

I don’t get where is idea they all migrants are poor improvised. Most of the migrants i know are engineers or software technicians.

Did you see this recent article about Big Pharma?

the pharmaceutical industry in the United States is largely socialized, especially upstream in the drug development process, when basic research cuts the first pathways to medical breakthroughs. Of the 210 medicines approved for market by the FDA between 2010 and 2016, every one originated in research conducted in government laboratories or in university labs funded in large part by the National Institutes of Health. Since 1938, the government has spent more than $1 trillion on biomedical research, and at least since the 1980s, a growing proportion of the primary beneficiaries have been industry executives and major shareholders. Between 2006 and 2015, these two groups received 99 percent of the profits, totaling more than $500 billion, generated by 18 of the largest drug companies. This is not a “business” functioning in some imaginary free market. It’s a system built by and for Wall Street, resting on a foundation of $33 billion in annual taxpayer-funded research.


Without migrants the whole us economy would crash