The NFL doesn't know when to quit. I'm done

Folks go to games to be entertained and relax not to be subjected to political viewpoints.

One can only wonder how many times they can hack off the fans before feeling serious monetary effects.


Meh, don’t care about messaging, just watching the game. The National Anthem isn’t even usually televised, you just see it live except for the playoffs. Hell, I have seen every stadium plastered in ads, every square inch of the space. If something else is put there, who cares?

Just wanna watch me some football.

And as far as ads on TV go? Get NFL Red Zone. On Comcast it comes with the sports package that is 10 bucks a month. Plop your behind down and watch every game being played, every score and turnover, all without a single commercial for 7 glorious Sunday hours.

Gonna be ready this Sunday!

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The World Champs were booed last night(heard it on an audio clip). Message sent but not received evidently.

So far, returns aren’t great.

The primetime match-up between the easily victorious Kansas City Chiefs and the Houston Texans snared 19.3 million viewers.

That’s a fumble of 12.3% from the Green Bay Packers vs. Chicago Bears opening game of the 2019-2020 season on September 5

and he bought it for a song and a dance from uber Trumpist Vince McMahn who lost gobs on the xfl, twice. So I’m not really sure what point you think you’re making here.

Also, the other owner and CEO is Dany Garcia, now first woman to own a professional sports league:

Like most nights for the past month, I watched 30 minutes of The Great British Baking Show before bed, which is absolutely delightful and a perfect antidote for this period of time in human history.

Baking and combat sports are the only things that I can get into lately. Certainly, a 3 hour football game is out of the question. Who has the time?!?

That’s a good show.

I did. Well , i watched the second half.

To me it looks like they’re trying to normalize disrespecting Americas National Anthem.

Did the NFL sell out the American people for Globalization?

Can’t have Globalization with countries cling to their culture and history so tear it down!

If they had anything on the field or in the endzone, I didn’t notice it. But then again, I didn’t look for it. I just watched the game as usual.

What this doesn’t tell you though is that no other show Thursday night had more than 4 million viewers and this is this game had the 2nd highest viewership of anything on TV since February.

It was also in direct competition with an NBA and NHL playoff games, two things that the NFL is not ever usually in competition with.

Its also a presidential election year and just like 2016 it was shown with data and ratings go back every presidential election year that ratings dip pre election and then go back up after the election. It happened in 2016 and every prior election year as well. People are distracted by politics and don’t watch as much football.

I’ll blame that on Chris Collingsworth :wink:
He’s terrible.

Only to you and your ilk gooddad :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Not yet. Lol. Keep on trying.

NFL still the ad men’s go to product.


Now there’s a guy …

Which has nothing to do with the current stupidity they have shown. Purposely alienating your fan base is one of the worst decisions any organization can make. They will be fine. But not nearly as fine as they would be if they were not going in your face political.

Not doing too great

They’re going to bleed viewers, the only question is how many, when it will stop, and when the NFL will begin to care.

I’m sick of the politics injected into EVERYTHING!
I agree with this sentiment: