The NFL doesn't know when to quit. I'm done

Lol. I’m not the one pretending the quit the nfl every season. Sorry but when you do it every few months and each season people are going to notice.

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Apparently you do. :stuck_out_tongue:

That comes to an end this season. But that’s because of the pandemic. They’re talking about not raising the salary cap, or possibly lowering the cap.

Along with BLM on the filed is that not a political statement players wearing the names of those shot by the police is not political statements?

Lots of laughs. Except for the guy wearing a MAGA hat at my job the other day.


So quit already.

We all gonna miss you.


No I really don’t. Just stating the fact no cares about your feelings on this matter

I would think that most people can see both sides in this .

Many athletes want to raise their voice when it comes to social issues, many spectators want to watch sports so they can get away from politics.

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Yep. Altair and NYJetsfan both paraded pics from the 4th quarter of a preseasons Chargers game as evidence of empty stadiums. Beyond the fact it was preseason and the 4th quarter it was compounded by angry fans at the Chargers for moving from San Diego. I and many called them on it many times.

Its like when Faux news tried to fire up the flames, and some here fell for it, by showing pics of Philadelphia Eagles players kneeling for the anthem only to have the main player in the picture, Zach Ertz, point out that it wasn’t during the anthem and that he was leading teammates in prayer which he does every game as Ertz is deeply religious.


This guy I’ve known all my life posts of Facebook how he ain’t gonna watch the NFL anymore. I’ve never known that guy to watch a game in his life. Some people just like to whine and complain.


Thank you for caring enough to tell me that you don’t care. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess all I have to say to the boycotters is don’t get mad if your husbands still wanna watch.


Anything and everything to indulge in bias confirmation, even at the expense of the truth.


Takes a lot of energy putting it out there that you don’t care anymore. Years of it.

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I can’t wait to see what the NFL does on their field. Maybe they’ll put the names of rapists and scumbags in the endzone. Or are they going to be on the players helmets? I forget. Should be interesting. And no, I am not tuning in for any anthems.

Looks like a simple “end racism” in the end zone tastefully done.

Seems like an innocuous message, huh.


I do think this time the ratings will take a hit. Wokeness isn’t great for business.

I’m predicting tv ratings will be pretty damn good.

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They’ve been down for NBA and MLB