The New Republican Guard

Not with all the merchandise sold and millions of people all in on Trump.
Why not keep going?
The new Republican guard will remain in the Trump house until they decide otherwise.

They should be mentoring the young ones.

I believe this take is politically naĂŻve.

Trump has ushered in an extremism on the right, unleashing the fringes and amplifying their voices. Making them feel powerful and unafraid of their fringe beliefs. And the GOP has sheepishly taken a backseat while they have gained prominence and become one of the largest and loudest voices within the party.

The QAnon cult and the conspiracy theorists and the New World Order believers. They shroud themselves in more mainstream conversations like opposing pedophilia, or populism, or anti-globalism. But make no mistake, these fringe voices are absolutely fringe in what they truly believe and support, and are going to continue to be catered to by those who can manipulate them for their own power-driven ends. People like my Junior Senator Josh Hawley will use these voices and amplify them and continue to give them more and more prominence in the GOP going forward.

It will be years, maybe a decade or more, before a true realignment comes for the GOP and they can actually have a New Republican Guard. When they decide to abandon this fringe element within their ranks, and return to a semblance of reality and normalcy. Where conspiracy theories and feelings are no longer the primary, and in many cases the only, driving force behind their message.

I’d love to see a New Republican Guard as much as anyone else here. But I am also cognizant of what we are witnessing, and have witnessed over the last few years.

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How I fondly recall the R primary when Trump was a D that contributed to the Clintons.

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Indeed. Good post.

True. But this helps illustrate my post above. The base of the GOP is not currently interested in a new guard. I know this thread is for looking forward, but there is no getting around the bare fact that Trump has unleashed a change within the GOP that will take a long, long time to overcome. This will continue to be a challenge for the party. How do they separate themselves from the voices and votes who helped propel them to power, when those voices and votes demand fealty to the idea of Trump. Not even to the man himself, but the idea of what he is?

I argue they cannot do it successfully for a long, long time, out of fear of regional minority status as a result, until the pieces can be put back together again. They will have to lose power by turning off the vocal fringe base that brought them tenuous power to begin with.

Another example. And this one plays to Hawley and his strong suit. Using the power of the CentGov to punish those who he feels are not fair to him and his beliefs. The exact opposite of conservatism, and directly in line with what Trump’s populism has brought to the forefront. Hawley will continue to use the fringe voices and amplify the persecution they believe is happening to them, because private businesses make decisions they sometimes disagree with. (Never mind when these private businesses make decisions they do agree with)

I’m on board with a lot of this.

One nit

“If they come here as adults and behave for 5 years, make them citizens.” doesn’t apply to DACA recipients as to qualify for DACA you have to have been brought here as a minor child. For those that came as adults coming here illegally? Not on board with giving them citizenship. They should go home and get in line like anyone else. Hiring illegal aliens should remain illegal and employers held accountable.

One of the best posts I’ve seen from you

I mostly agree with you but if the GOP stopped doing all of the things you listed
 they would be Democrats.

We must have two opposing parties. It’s the only way (sarcasm)

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This is another example. Jim Jordan and Josh Hawley are cut from the same cloth. Hawley is just more refined. Until the Jordan’s of the party, and those voices they amplify are gone, there will never be a new Republican guard.

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It’s not a conspiracy, Kennedy chose Johnson because he was a) the runner up on the presidential ballot, b) a Protestant Southerner, c) a sop to the Dixiecrats and d) so he could use his Senate majority leader connections like Garner did for FDR when he left the Speakership to become VP.


Not to mention it delivered Texas electoral votes.

Most people don’t have that TDS viral load.

It’s not Trump love, it’s hatred of libism.

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I gave a thoughtful opinion to your OP and you give me this. Well done! :+1:

That’s because Trump is still on the board. He will be off, then they won’t be “Trumpy” anymore. They don’t act like him now.

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No they wouldn’t.

I think plenty of people will demonstrate their TDS viral load in a couple weeks.

It’s not Biden love, it’s hatred of Trumpism.

Good thing I didn’t say it was. Whew! That was close!

That scarlet letter won’t come off in the wash.

You gave me TDS and I gave you that.