The New Republican Guard

That’s pathetic. But not unexpected.

Absolutely not.

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She looks like a gal with poor judgment. LOL

Anna Pualina Luna

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Yep, gold gun. Not good.

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I should have thought of him. I think he will win, it’s close.


" The journey from Anna Paulina Mayerhofer to Anna Paulina Luna, from “avid supporter" of President Barack Obama to swimsuit model to conservative firebrand, has been rapid. The evolution coincides with her decision to challenge Crist in the district that covers southern Pinellas County.

In a 2017 interview with Canadian lifestyle and culture magazine Skyn, Luna — who at the time went by her married name, Gamberzky — described her biggest revelation in appearing before the camera:

“I’m able to take on different personalities depending on what image I am going for. I think getting into character of what you are selling is super important.”"

AKA grifter.


Gold rifles are the kind of thing that the spoiled sons of Mexican drug lords buy and then post on Instagram.

Many of my former Democrat friends are now registered Republicans.

It’s a watch list.

I don’t care who falls for the grift.

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That’s not the argument in the slightest.

Luna’s husband Andy is a Purple Heart and Bronze Star recipient she met while serving in the Air Force.

“When he was shot in Afghanistan, it really opened my eyes to the hardships our veterans face when they come home. I saw first hand how previous presidents had put our fighting men and women at risk and I knew that supporting President [Donald] Trump was nonnegotiable,” Luna said.

She saw the light. Maybe her SF husband was a Republican.

Absolutely. So is Ivanka and Eric. In fact, they might be at the top of the list.

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No they aren’t.

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Sure they are. This is the party of Trump. And until Republicans can distance themselves from it, its his to do what he wants. If Trump loses in November, he will immediately file for 2024. And what are other Republicans going to do? Nothing.

No, they aren’t. He can file all he wants to.

[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:248, topic:236411, full:true”]

I tend to agree with Sneaky here.

Trump being re-elected will likely put Pence in the cat bird seat for 2024.

And if he loses the newcomers will fight it out to find a new party identity.

[quote=“NickN, post:249, topic:236411, full:true”]

If Trump loses in Nov, he’s in for 2024. There’s no maybes.

The October surprise here with Hunter’s email and then Tweeter/Facebook censoring the NY Post reports makes Trump’s re-elections chances even stronger.

Add to that, how a Trump win will surely and quickly pounce on Big Tech in January.

And who knows maybe in the forefront emerges a poster child for this New Republican Guard too.

Congressional oversight for Facebook, Google and Tweeter is very likely to occur with Republicans maintaining control of the Senate.

And more so with actual legal reform should the Red wave flip the House.

Has the FBI confirmed any of this Hunter Biden stuff? Nope. So Trump’s chances have remained the same.
Republicans are not looking good to keep majority in Senate.
And Dems are in a strong position to keep House.

I completely disagree. All this talk of “investigating” social media outlets is nothing more than political posturing to gin up outrage to get out the vote.

There is no legal basis for any such thing. Justice Barrett would strike down any such attempt like Paul Bunyan on a twig.

Twitter and Facebook did the republicans a huge favor by blocking the story and the republicans know it.

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