The New New New Covid Strain

Lordy- yes this new variant has been created by Biden/Soros/Liberals to help the Left politically. And it’s been placed in South Africa but will be brought to the US to help win elections. Y’all…what happened to common sense?

Anyways, this variant does look extremely dangerous if it can outpace vaccine protections. I personally think we should ban all airline traffic coming from South Africa and maybe neighboring countries until we get an understanding of how dangerous the variant is.

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What’s the CFR?

If travel restrictions are imposed because of the new South African variant by Biden and liberals, it will also be time to close the southern border - people from hundreds of countries freely enter while some are COVID positive. The illegals are a petri dish of infections.

If there is truly a risk, the federal government is negligent in protecting our country unless the border is closed.


Now how many variants have come out of South Africa? What is going on down there? Is there a gain of function research facility stashed away in that country?

Considering they can’t even keep their electricity grids running, I doubt it.

Just call me the prophet. :rofl:


Not sure- but. CFR is only part of the question. Virulence is the other. If something has a high CFR but rarely passes to others then it’s not an important metric. If it passes easily then even a low CFR is extremely dangerous.

It looks like “Nu” is easily transmissible and has taken over Delta as the most common form of Covid.

Do you think this was manufactured by Lefties to control the world as well?

Actually there may be a more rational reason why COVID mutation come from South Africa, Many of the country’s 8.2 million HIV-infected people are immuno-compromised and scientists say they can harbor the coronavirus for longer, allowing it to mutate as it reproduces.

A study of an HIV positive 36-year-old woman showed that Covid-19 stayed in her body for 216 days and mutated rapidly.

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Bet you wish I did at this point. :rofl:

Well sadly a lot of folks here believe that.

I’m sure that helps make you feel better about your lib views. :wink:

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Then how is it


A common cold is easily trabsmissible, do you get the vapors over them too.

Calm down, turn off your TV and live your life. The virus is going to run its course.


My lib view that there is a dangerous mutation emerging from South Africa? No I just call that…reality.

What’s “dangerous” about it?

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No it originated from the Chinese Communist Party in Wuhan. It appears that gain of function research in that country (with funding from NIH and some others) may have been involved.

Might say the CCP let the genie out of the bottle.

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Scared like the TV commanded. Good, very good. Helps to keep you obedient. :wink:


A common cold is easily transmissible with very very low CFR.

The flu is easily transmissible with a very low CFR.

Covid ia easily transmissible and so far has about 20 times higher CFR than the flu.

Yes there are differences and they do matter.


The common cold - also a coronavirus, also once deadly to humans. :man_shrugging: