The National Divorce

We would most likely lose the dollar as the international reserve currency. Which would hurt us. Bad.

Most likely countries would pin their currencies to the Euro or the Renminbi as the global reserve currencies. BRIC nations would adopt Renminbi and SWIFT nations would adopt the Euro.

The post-American nations would most likely pin the new “Amero” to the Euro.

Don’t quote me. Texas is far from perfect.

Yeah that’s not happening but I know its a sweet dream for some.

The amount of wealth which would be sacrificed would be gigantic and the color of money is green not red or blue.


Well, I live in Florida and people are moving here in droves.

People are fleeing California.

I think I’ll stay here.


And after the next hurricane y’all will be begging the blue states to send money.

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Well, you may have a point.

As bad as the Klan was (not many left) they didn’t have a habit of riots, looting and destroying cities.

BLM on the other hand does all those things. The founder of BLM recently purchased a multimillion-dollar mansion with donated money. How many college scholarships did they create for the Black Lives that Mattered? How many homeless have they helped? How many hungry have they fed? The answer is NONE! So, it doesn’t look to me like they think Black people matter very much but they sure do seem to enjoy their riots.


Putin smiles.

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The kid over here, um, me:

I’m going in the custody of a conservative state, one with cold weather like Iowa or one of the Dakotas would be heaven!

Differences between conservative and liberal states are irreconcilable. I’m sick of having GLBTQIA shoved down my throat. I’m an adult and indifferent to who takes home what sort of partner if the partner isn’t someone who cannot or will not give consent, but why is that crap part of the curriculum at the high school level?!

I’m sick and tired of women stuck in a time warp back to the 1960s and 1970s in a constant battle of the sexes and bleating about the loss of their precious Roe v Wade.

I’m sick and tired of entitlement minded ■■■■■■■ who can’t afford their basics, but always seem to find money lying around for everything from getting their nails done to overseas travel. Tired of these ■■■■■ wanting their no cost health care, wanting something for nothing and getting the rest of us nothing for something.

The worst complainers about what employers have now to offer as far as health insurance (it wasn’t nearly as bad pre ACA) are obese women. Dumbass, maybe if you relearned nutrition and exercised, you wouldn’t need ■■■■■■■ doctors as much. Use that Smartphone we all have to find some exercise videos.

I ■■■■■■■ hate Massachusetts and, while at one time I would have said two separate parts of the U S was a ridiculous thought, baby let’s get that divorce rolling! Bring it on my friend!

It really is two different ways of looking at the world in these more liberal states.


Blue State authoritarians are like stalkers that will never let go.

There will never be a divorce.

Only more abuse at a time and place of their choosing.

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I agree. This is much bigger than these two symptoms. In my view, it is a conflict between individualism and collectivism. Or the old federalism fight if you prefer.


What? Tulsa, rosewood, ocoee (both in Florida) to name a few. Between 1870 and 1930 klan burned down over 20 black towns. Like burned to the ground… all of it.

When has blm ever done that? Lynchings?

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Are they truly “protections” when 5 unelected lawyers can make it disappear?

We need to stop relying on the SCOTUS. We need to put them out of business.

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I’m sure he does as I imagine do all our adversaries.

They look at America and see a Military led by men wearing dresses, our troops being punished for improper pronouns, and our commander-in-chief arming the Taliban.

They see a nation obsessed with sexual deviancy, a deliberate destruction of our energy independence, our borders wide open to any unknown actor to enter freely, Illegal aliens treated better than citizens, and a President with advanced stages of dementia.

Yes, I’m sure they have a very big smile on their faces.

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Why can’t those be exceptions by court order?

100 years ago? That is your defence?

Join the rest of us in the 21st. Centruy.

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that is exactly correct.

Watched George Carlin talk quite eloquently about this last night.

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So one sided.

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Considering you are wrong about Idaho I am going to guess your entire list is full of ■■■■■

Not sure where you got your info.

They only thing we get from Blue States are illegal aliens and refugees fleeing yours. New York is the worst.


I think it’s already uncivil divorce…have you seen the violence/threats coming from radical left?