The national debt: Are you part of the problem, or the solution?

But that’s not true.

Clinton lowered the deficit to 0. Obama, in the face of the Great Recession, cut it in half. GOP presidents build it back up again.

Yes, Clinton and Obama worked with the GOP congress, but to say EVERYONE does it is just flat out wrong.

Clinton and Newt raised taxes and restructred some entitlements and cut spending. Obama and the GOP senate an house cut spending and let the Bush cuts expire for those above 400K. These groups did not increase the deficit.

Do you guys really care about the deficit and national debt? I am really not trying to sarcastic, I am just looking at some of the policies the democrat hopefuls of 2020 are proposing. Free college, Free Medical, increased spending on Climate change. These proposals doesn’t sound like they are coming from deficit hawks.

I absolutely promise to answer that question if you answer this one:

Do you support the Trump tax cuts?

cut the 650 billion dollar military budget.

Mentioning both parties is a tactic to actually avoid mentioning your own.

“The other guys do it too” is muting the impact of you “pointing out your own”.

Republican are now pushing to end the estate tax which effect a grand total of 3,000 people.

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This didn’t answer his assertion in the slightest.

Obama cut the deficit, Trump has undone all the work Obama has done.

I think a lack of an answer to this question tells you all you need to know about this thread.

I’m going to make it simpler for you. If you’re concerned about the debt you protest and hold rallies.

Unless, you know, it was never about the debt.

With the seats they held, they could have told Paul that they were going to support the Democrats for the speaker unless he cut the deficit.

But that would actually be taking a stand on the issue and not just giving it lip service. I really have no respect for the tea part caucus anymore. They are politically bankrupt in my eyes.

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They hold 33/198 seats for the Republican that isn’t a small useless group.

Not the topic. I’m not taking a test for you. The topic is the government’s insistence on running up the debt. Not my specific view of any individual policy. I respectfully ask that rather than trying to play gotcha with me, please stay on topic. Thank you.

And they suck regarding the national debt. As do the rest of the republicans and the democrats. Rather than argue about who sucks worse, we should simply agree that they all suck.

They could have done that. But didn’t because they suck regarding the national debt. As do the rest of the republicans and democrats.

It’s not a “gotcha”. It literally is at the heart of your OP. This is the only major fiscal policy that has been passed in over a decade and you don’t have an opinion?

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What it tells you about this thread is this:

For over 50 years the democrats and republicans have done nothing but run up the national debt. Because they suck. And my opinion of any individual policy does absolutely nothing to reduce their suckiness. They are guilty.

You were asked your opinion of a specific fiscal policy.

How can we believe you care about fiscal conservatism if you support tax cuts that have more than doubled the deficit?

These threads make me believe that a lot of parents let their kids break rules as long as their kids say “But Mark did it too”.