The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

The “contract” is constantly being breached since this countries inception. This is nothing new.

The birth of this country itself is a breach, with a few deciding to impose their will on others.

The constitution allows for the teaching of crit crap. Sorry to disappoint you.

No, it doesn’t.

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Ok. Typical prog garbage - same “logic” with the 2nd. “We’re already breaking it, so more is ok.”

We’ll see

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And here I foolishly thought we were having a nice civil conversation and here you come with the personal attacks. Did I hurt your feelings? Sorry if I did.

Indoctrinated by who? And who indoctrinated you?

How does it not? That’s protected by the 1st Amendment.

After it was imposed…on at least one state, it was imposed by the other 12 threatening war.

It’s not an attack, it"s a statement of fact.

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You know better, don’t be so disingenuous.

I understand.


How’s the most racist country in the world the best country in the world? :crazy_face:


Was the contract in place at the time?

We have the best racists, duh؟

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I do know, I wrote it.

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If its fact, who was I indoctrinated by? And who indoctrinated you?


You see them?

In 12 of the 13 states…yes the contract had also been imposed.

I say imposed because again…the writing of the contract itself was not authorized. That is not what the Constitutional Convention was convened to do.

The America you dream of never existed. Someone’s values were imposed.

Someone’s values are always imposed.

Yet in 1789, the contract came into effect. And because of it, the country became the greatest ever known.

Now, progs want to turn, are turning it, into a ■■■■ hole. Which is all Crit/Marxism/Neo-Marxism/Socialism/Post Modernism ever does.

It is a breach of contract.

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