The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

That argument may be overturned, doesn’t mean there aren’t others that could sway the court to a different opinion.

:rofl: Power is a “social construct”. All power comes from “social constructs”. Until somebody decides to escalate it to true power.

By edict? :rofl:

That’s not The People.



What is “true power”?


Sure, that’s what backs up all authority.

Yes it actually does. Now you are leaning on Feefees again

Until “authority” loses consent of the governed.

No, it actually doesn’t. Nice chat.

The consent of the governed is just another authority backed up by a threat of violence. That authority might consider itself a moral authority, but in the end its still a just in the heads of a bunch of humans.

Have a nice day.

lol, okay.

Are you familiar with the first amendment

Very. You can go crit up the town square all you want to. You don’t get to impose it on me or make it policy.

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You’re a lower looper and it’s boring. You’re also an indoctrinated fanatic. I’m not trying to convince you.


Your feefees get hurt Sneaky? Making an, America love it or leave it thread?

People are allowed to criticize the faults they find within their country, as well as propose solutions to those perceived faults. The people have been doing that since the countries inception.


First amendment says I can. If that doesn’t calm the Feefees… then the constitution doesn’t prevent teaching crit crap.

If you don’t like it, leave.

Not at all.

Sure they are, up to and not including breach of contract.

Actually it doesn’t.

I earned the stay. And I’m willing.