The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

They are the values of the contract.

Which may not mean better for some, right?

Then leave. Go find a contract more suited to your cringe crit “values”. This contract has been in place for 233 years.


The SCOTUS decides that, not you.

Until I decide otherwise.

Moral authority isn’t real, its just something we use occasionally to justify our actions. We the People are the citizens of the USA.

You are incorrect. That is weak.

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No…they will still decide. You can follow it or not.

Remember that when the opinion on the abortion case comes out.


I will and we the people will get it changed back.

I’m not the government, how would I do that.

:rofl: The SCOTUS depends on the consent of the governed, just like all “government”. What happens when it loses it?


Good Lord.

Where does moral authority come from?



Our contract allows for crit cringe crap. If you don’t like it… well you should leave

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Morality is a social construct. It has no power.

No it doesn’t. Crit cringe must destroy liberalism to survive.


President Reagan once said “if we lose freedom here there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth”. He was right.

We live in a time and a place where we’ve been spoiled living in this country…1st world problems.

Americans need to stop knuckling under to the freak show on the left. Freedom is a precious gift.