The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

Because I have a contract. If you breach it beyond my limit of tolerance, I have the moral authority to correct the situation.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

I am The People.

You betcha.

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How far that moral authority will get you in practice is yet to be seen.

We are the People… you are a person.

It has an amendment process. Nothing is in stone.

The Contract is what made this country. This horrible, horrible country.


You don’t even have 1.

And yet


If you don’t like it you can leave. :wink:

Indeed. There is however, precedence. Thank you for screwing up your enforcers.

No, I am The People. The rights are mine, not ours. Breachers of contract are not The People.

Indeed it does. Good luck.

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Sorry you feel that way. America is the best country in the world. Times change and so do the laws inacted by the politicians that WE the people elected.

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Or I can stay and abide by the contract.


You and your politicians don’t get to enact laws which breach the contract.


You said it yourself countless times- someone’s values are always imposed.

So the “contract” is always being breached at all times.

Yes, but as was demonstrated by the 18th. Amendment, it’s not always such a great idea.

Is it? Are you sure? Data says otherwise.

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Quote it.

You are incorrect. My values are in line with the contract. The contract guarantees liberal values, not all values.

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Who are the enforcers?

The People is a collective. You are an individual that is part of this collective. We have the same rights.

Breachers of contract are not The People.

Nonsense, breachers are still part of the People unless they are kicked out of the country. If you are a US citizen then you are part of The People.

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The contract itself was an imposition.

Those who wrote it weren’t authorized to do so.

They can’t all be winners. At least we fixed that mistake.

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Which aren’t better for some… right?

It’s a pretty nice contract for a supposedly horrible country.

Police, then military.

You have your rights. I have my rights. The rights are not collective.

Nonsense. Breachers have lost the moral authority.


Then abide by it. All of it.