The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

Voting? First, that has to be fixed and legitimate. Media and Politicians doing any brainwashing and manipulating of the most ignorant, should be considered avaricious criminals.

For the rest, just mind your own business.

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new republic…

you’re citing the very seed of lunacy as though it’s further confirmation

100% agreed.

OK boomer

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yes mr black power. “fast” considering humans enslaved other humans in that amount of time ago

if it only takes a few mere generations to get around leftist disease of woke lunacy and the racism they stoke, that would be amazing too

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So the right doesn’t believe in a lot of conspiracy theories?

Y’all even made a conspiracy theory behind the conspiracy theory you claim the left believes.

yes some do. does that make right for you to do so?


Do so what?

Yeah. They are OG Birchers.

believe in a lot of conspiracy theories

Libs are. They demand to control every aspects of our lives. Why? Because they hate everything I stand for.

So what part about wanting YOU to leave me the ■■■■ alone that you don’t understand?

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Numbers don’t lie. Things may change in the coming months, but people aren’t spending like inflation is running rampant.

Irrelevant. I don’t need to have lived through Jim crow to know it was worse off for large chunks of the population. I can listen to the first hand accounts of my grandparents of how it sucked.

It was more than 10%. The country was worse for anyone who wasn’t a straight white male.

None. The US is far better off for everyone than it was in the 1950s.


What the ■■■■ is that supposed to mean?

I can’t imagine someone that is so weak emotionally that they demand government to do what they cannot.


If only you’d look under there.

I did. Took an oath on it and everything.

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I think you do. That ol’ ressentiment rising up like bile?

It works. What word would you suggest?

Earn it.

I found your source.

Perhaps they are fools?

Sure you do.

Who told you that?
