The Misfortune To Be Born In Such A Horrible Country

Such is life, but a decision on any issue has to be made one way or another. Trade offs.

I take it that you want to make all criminal laws inapplicable to children.

What is your idea of “crit crap”?

Schools are off limits.

:man_shrugging: Take it up with your local school board.

Do they? Should they?

Then why did you use percentage of population as justification for how “quick” it was?

Until the contract came into effect.

Said the Internet Man.

For the 8748974th day in a row.

Click in tomorrow, several hundred times, for more dopamine.


Do you really not understand?

CRT is Marxist racism and racist Marxism.

The lineage is undeniable.

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And the idea that better means that some will lose… who loses with taking lead out of gas?

Yes, they do. No, they should not. But they are their children.

That doesn’t change the fact that there are trade-offs.

Ah but it does when your trade-offs rise to the level of breaching my contract.

Anyone who thinks leaded gas should be legal loses in the sense that things aren’t the way they want them to be.

I never signed any such contract, nor did you.

(Social contract theory is bunk, anyway

I really don’t.

You used percentage as justification for quick. I used percentage to justify slow. But someone I don’t understand :rofl:

Not many people want to be subject to a contract, especially not this one.

Because that makes them subjects.

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It would seem more reasonable that the people who are alive right now decide the system and not be tethered to late 18th century propaganda.

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They should be allowed to, yes, but I don’t think that they have a right to. “Right” is looking more and more like the wrong word for the course of action that a parent may decide for a child.

havent heard that one in a while either

kochs” birchers…

but if i touch on big tech censorship i’m a conspiracy nut

what a world huh?