The Lodestar papers

Do you think that is what Pence is telling trump right now? Pence was not trumps pick. He was Manaforts.


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If right wingnut Christian history has taught us anything, is that they’re the biggest hypocrites on earth.

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I think Coats is smarter than that, it wouldn’t mean much coming from him.

Either way whoever did it should be resigning shortly, if they have any kind of political foresight.

I don’t really know. I’m just saying that using TD-IDF data analysis or other stylometry here is not very conclusive, that’s all.

Yup, the oped also contains “first principles” which Mattis has used in a few of his speeches.

Fair enough. I get that. When was the last time before 2 days ago you used the word “Lodestar”?

Looking at their history, Coats has had a more contentious relationship with fat donald.

If I had to bet money I would say "First Principles’ is more widely used than “Lodestar”.

Yeah, I’m leaning toward someone in national security/intelligence background.

Lodestar is bait.

Do a google ngram analysis of lodestar. It appears we reached Peak Lodestar in the US right around Clinton’s impeachment.

I’m making no inferences from that data point. It’s just funny coincidence…

How many has Pence used this word before? If he’s used it quite a bit, I could see why the op-ed author could’ve used it as an diversion tactic.

I think it was the last time I tried to pin attribution of anonymous content on Mike Pence.

Very interesting…so, Pence has used this word quite a bit in the past. Guess which government security departments use these kind of bait tactics? Hmmm.

Still pretty wild to think that someone from within the administration would try and throw people off the trail onto Pence. That is some next level ■■■■ right there…

In the first link its seems that the author is trying to disprove the obvious. Hence Pompeo instead of Pence. Being that Pence is the only one who uses the word the signature should be obvious as well as obvious bait. Pick.

The other option is that both the NYT AND the author were too stupid to see obviously rare word forms as potential identifiers.

There’s no clean Occam’s razor there. But, if it were somebody with experience in national security, intelligence, military, or diplomacy, is it really next level ■■■■■

I think you are over thinking it.

OK so say somebody simple like me…um…well say trump for instance, didnt see the next level deep state ■■■■ but just saw the sig “Lodestar”. What can he do about Pence? He cant fire him. Whats next?

Great question.

Shut him out of the decision making process? I don’t see much evidence that he’s involved now.

Most likely shootout at the Twitter Corral. All guns blazing.

Maybe Trump tries to turn DoJ against Pence. Or, more obviously, convince Congress to impeach Pence.

I don’t know.

There’s are fascinating times.

Have you seen “House of Cards”?