The Left's War On Guns

This is not correct.

Apparently he was engaged by law enforcement and still got into the school after he crashed his car. He was wearing body armor

  1. as much as I like drinking, the fact is, when we raised teh drinking age, deaths in ages 18-21 went down.

  2. You are putting words in my mouth. I didn’t say a license = open carry. and no, UBC and license for all purchases IMO.

A biologically defined “man” (really an 18 year old high schooler), proclaimed his penchant for guns on social media and in a fantasy devoid of reality engaged in a shootout with border patrol agents. He then took refuge in an elementary school and proceeded to execute 8 and 9 year old innocents and a teacher during his deranged rampage.
Once this individual began his socials rants posting pictures of his weapons red flags should have been flying.
This mook like all mass murderers are mental cases. Guns don’t kill all by themselves. Legal firearm owners’ rights shouldn’t be limited because (some) people are crazy.
My question is how did the shooter access the school so easily?


They do not hate guns. They hate a well armed populace which is capable of defending itself against domestic enemies.


In every oppressive country like communist China, socialist Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, etc., the people are disarmed and suffer the loss of inalienable rights under an iron fisted government which lives large on the people’s labor. Forewarned is forearmed.


He entered the school because it didn’t have controlled entry. Proper secure entry ways would have kept him outside, in a gun battle with armed police instead of a turkey shoot with unarmed children. Body armor, and car crashes had nothing to do with him walking into a school without controlled entry.


Maybe those vaunted AI screening programs monitoring social media could have been set to detect the type of traffic this deranged person was putting on the web.

Although it came right after your post it was not a response to your post. Also, the “/strawman” in my post meant I knowingly made a strawman argument, which is defined as “when someone takes another person’s argument or point, distorts it or exaggerates it in some kind of extreme way, and then attacks the extreme distortion, as if that is really the claim the first person is making…” It was a (perhaps unsuccessful) attempt to make a comment on the OP.

I sincerely believe that every single Democrat in Congress and the White House is rejoicing this evening. They don’t actually care about violent crime in any context unless it’s a mass shooting, preferably committed by a white assailant, because they believe it propels their gun banning goals. Nothing coming out of their media propaganda apparatus will ever convince me otherwise.


Also because the good guys with guns couldn’t stop him.


He was engaged with police

Some jackass who killed some people isn’t my problem. The jackasses trying to make it my problem are the real danger here. :wink:


I know who you were responding to, and your post cast the aspersion on the poster you responded to, using the deaths of the children like a club. Putting a strawman moniker after the post doesn’t change the fact that you used the death of the children. Choose your words better next time.


he didn’t shoot his way into the school, he gained easy access through an uncontrolled entry point. Had entry to the school been controlled, he would not have been able to flee from the police into the building. If he doesn’t get into the building, he doesn’t kill a bunch of little kids inside it.

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Sure but shouldn’t the good guys with guns have stopped him way before getting into the school?

At my kids schools all gates are locked but the front office door isn’t.

Ban body armor?

As to the 'shouldn’t they" question, Really? Contrary to the opinions of some, I know you are neither that naive, nor obtuse, to not already know the answer to your question. As for your children’s school, one unsecured entryway negates all of the other secure ones. Thus your children’s school is no more secure than this school in Texas. Funny thing, court houses and federal buildings have secured entry. Are the people in those buildings more important than your children? (I already know the answer)

I don’t know the answer. We have police to protect and serve. They are the good guys with the gun. Yet even they couldn’t stop this psycho. They engaged him long before he entered the school. They even shot at him multiple times. And yet… he got past them.

Also, I guess the solution is to make our schools into mini prisons.

According to conservative logic… the killer would have waited to approach the school until after school was out. Boom, doors defeated.

(I am being tongue and cheek, but you get my point)

Cuz mom’s got mad.


We will never make it perfect, just as a firefight will never go perfect. But don’t let them in the building, It isn’t high tech to have a double portal entry, with bullet proof glass, manned by armed resource officers. He wouldn’t have gotten in, he would have had to continue his one man firefight with the officer’s outside, and we all know how that eventually ends.

And prison’s keep people in, defensive barriers keep people out.

Even my podunk school has magnetically sealed entry ways. Holy crap.