The Left's War On Guns

Stop him at the doors, don’t need to take him down, just keep him from getting in. It doesn’t sound like the school was anything more than a target of opportunity, came upon after he engaged his real target.


Sure but you can’t ignore the fact that police engaged him before he got to the school… even shot at him.

The access into the school seems like an excuse for the police. We literally pay them for this type of thing

So you don’t really give a ■■■■ about protecting kids. This is just another opportunity to bitch about cops for you. Can’t imagine the all consuming hollow hatred driving your train.


They have one job. Good guy with a gun.

And somehow you are only blaming the school because the cops failed to do their job?

I didn’t blame the school, I said we need to make them more secure to prevent this type of thing. You on the other hand blame the officers for not being perfect. I would tell you to be the first to pick up a stone, but you have already thrown 2 or 3.

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If an immigrant kills a kid, perhaps rapes and strangles a 10-yr-old girl, do you hate all immigrants?

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You are right, they should have. IMO, those police officers have some explaining to do.


Ah yes, the ever desired “common sense gun laws” plea. When will we ever see common sense come out of Washington?

So you DON’T want guns to be licensed just like cars. That’s always the case when people start down that path.

This argument breaks down every time you start comparing like for like. The fact is, I don’t NEED a license to carry a gun. I don’t need to get governments permission to BUY a gun. The right to own a firearm should be extended to every adult that is allowed to vote because it’s a RIGHT and it’s non-negotiable. The fact that we have pushed through background checks and tolerated it is pathetic. People are so scared of thugs that they forgot two things.

  1. Thugs won’t comply with your background checks so they only cover the law abiding citizens that aren’t a threat in the first place.
  2. The REAL thug in historical context is government. Governments have probably killed more people in the past 100 years than have been murdered by citizens in the last 1000 years.

The 2nd doesn’t exist for hunting or self defense from others, it exists to give us the ability to throw off oppressive government should the need arise. For that very reason, background checks should never be tolerated as our government is building a list of everyone that’s purchased a gun since they passed that stupid law. There’s only one reason for that and it’s not to solve crimes or to stop the bad guys from getting guns.

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When the southern border is under control, along with inner city violence, the number one cause of death for 18 to 45 year olds isn’t illegal fentanyl…all clearly displaying authorities have a minimal grasp on illegal activity, then…come talk to me. Until that time, I have a right to defend myself from this out of control craziness that our government obviously can’t handle. The only ones’ that will pay attention to gun laws are the ones that aren’t a threat. My gosh people…how ■■■■■■■ stupid can you be?

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Guns don’t kill people, transsexual leftist illegal aliens do.

Even if they’re not transsexual leftist illegal aliens.

What a train wreck. Including Gosar, those that agree with him and those that fail to condemn his hateful words.

What part of “Shall Not Be Infringed” do you not understand?


Guys… don’t worry.

Nothing is going to happen.

You guys won this years ago.

Gun sales will go up.

So what we really learned from this is that the police were ■■■■■■■ cowards.


Oh… and that Gosar is a ■■■■■■■ idiot.


Why not? Based on how easily he accessed it , i don’t think it’s wrong to partially blame it

You know why right? It’s the long hair. The 80s never ever left.

Granted access without challenge? He was literally in a gunfight with the cops on the way in.

Bingo! :+1:

A very sad situation.