Once again, we have to endure the Left and liberal media’s War on Guns as they continue to fight to infringe on our 2A rights.
Why do they hate guns and gun owners?
It’s a shame that we’re so willing and quickly to surrender our rights.
Once again, we have to endure the Left and liberal media’s War on Guns as they continue to fight to infringe on our 2A rights.
Why do they hate guns and gun owners?
It’s a shame that we’re so willing and quickly to surrender our rights.
A man with a gun just murdered 18 kids and this is what you think to ask?
Sure. After all, conservatives are the real victim here
Why do they hate guns
A man with a gun just murdered 18 kids and this is what you think to ask?
He just knows what the script will be for the next several days.
Why are you OK with little kids getting killed?
Do we hear calls for bans on cars every time someone commits a crime with them?
No, the victims are the kids and it was a mentally screwed up kid that committed the murders. A gun didn’t hop up and commit murders.
Try telling the liberals and their buddies in the media about that.
I don’t know, why do you have no problem using the deaths of children to demean and cast aspersion on others?
Do we hear calls for bans on cars every time someone commits a crime with them?
Because people ride guns to work.
Just wanted to respond to something silly with something silly.
Oh and guns don’t kill by the way the ■■■■■■ pulling the trigger does. It’s still not the same thing.
Seriously, we need to get laser focused on mental disorders rather than telling people they’re fine. Until we do that, we’ll continue to have these tragedies, legal guns or not. I’m not giving up a single gun or round of ammo to make liberals feel safe.
It’s a tool. Blaming the tool is stupid. That was my point. We need to find the underlying CAUSE and brother, it ain’t guns.
Don’t worry, Brandon is on top of it before the bodies are even cold.
Biden demands gun control following Uvalde, Texas elementary school shooting
Never let the misfortune of others go to waste.
It’s a tool. Blaming the tool is stupid. That was my point. We need to find the underlying CAUSE and brother, it ain’t guns.
It’s kind of guns. It’s still a tool that makes it easier but it’s still not a reason to start violating more rights.
No, the victims are the kids and it was a mentally screwed up kid that committed the murders. A gun didn’t hop up and commit murders.
Take it easy Champ.
Who are you, my mom?
A better question is why are we still allowing soft targets for crazies.
Who are you, my mom?
Yeah. Now go to bed.
Do we hear calls for bans on cars every time someone commits a crime with them?
I’m all for a mandatory gun license similar to a car license, with a written and hands on test, and periodic renewal.
Common ground!
Nope. I’m gonna raid the chocolate drawer and stay up playing video games.