The Left needs to face reality: Trump is winning

I would not enjoy it all if the call was for open border policy and abolishing ICE.

How rhetoric is delivered does matter. The pandering nonsense by most politicians is nauseating.

Vision persuades even that from a delusion as you experienced. Check out the McGurk Effect:

Away from coastal states, Obama couldn’t be elected dog catcher.

[quote=“Camp, post:43, topic:5950, full:true”]
Yes. Really.

The migrants are being abused and chased to our border. Then they are being extorted by coyotes or killed if they resist long before they get to the border.

Placing focus on the need to vet and protect children arriving here is missing the goal of genuinely helping improve human rights.
[/quote] making sure children are not abused on our soil is primary. Discussion over


[quote=“Vigilante, post:47, topic:5950, full:true”]

What a crock. I was thinking of pretending to be an illegal alien, so the Border Patrol would set me up in on their their luxurious detainment cells, with free Iphone, cable etc. Living large for a few days and then produce my ID.

Old news. After two terms, everyone is Obama burned out, except coastal globalist colonies. The Gnomes of Zurich (fill in your favorite leftist group) lament O’s passing into the dustbin of history. Clinton was necessary to seal the deal, and she’s gone gone girl.

Content miners from Macedonia did her in.

Beats being in the land of libtardia.

Illegals shouldn’t place children in that situation.

That seems to imply that what happens en route is of less concern.

I disagree with this. Making sure children are not abused is a borderless issue.

The coyotes are know for causing a multitude of abuses, not US Health and Human Services.

No ■■■■ Sherlock. But they do. You dont imprison a bank robbers kids

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Sure, we can just give the kids to the Mexican cartel.

yes yes

I have similarly classified them too. But I usually divide the top tier into the very very dark, insane ones who want to be the new gods and the ones who think they are making the world a better place. The latter are activists and politicians. The former … we never see nor know their names.

This is preaching to the choir. Nothing to get excited about. But I wouldn’t count your chickens too soon.

No, it’s too late. This SCOTUS appointment sealed the deal. It’s a huge lose lose for dems. The corrected polls are +5-7% in the republican parties favor, and that doesn’t even take turnout into account.

It’s over and the best part is that everything the dems are doing to try and stop it is actually making their position worse. The American people have finally seen the light.

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Yes I think anything liberals do will be looked at going too far left. Well actually they will be going to far left for anyone to vote for. Their response already proves this with eliminating ice.

In all seriousness, what “corrected” poll is that?


Right but you guys were all up in arms because we weren’t putting the kids of illegals in jail along with the illegals. So… What was your point exactly?

Sure. Until the public swings the other way again in 4 or 8 years after Congress ■■■■■ it all up again.

The same polls that predicted Hillary’s win? Or Dems retaking the house in 2012?

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