The last health care question anyone needs to ask

You are still confusing insurance coverage with medical networks. You can get the same coverage as them if you live in DC, that doesn’t mean you can get the same doctors

Maybe. But it’s 1000 times better than any thread you ever made. So there’s that. :rofl:

@altair1013 you posited a theory and were proven wrong, then pivoted to a position which doesn’t even exist. And now insisting on that and demanding they prove you wrong.

The edge of trolling is fast approaching.



And here I was expecting it to turn into an intelligent discussion. Oh well, maybe next time.

This is a like a 4 year asking where does the sun go when it sets. You explain how it doesn’t go anywhere. The earth rotates and we just can’t see it and the kid just keeps screaming

“But where does it go?!! You haven’t answered the question! You just don’t know do you!!” Over and over.

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Stop being rude. C’mon man.

I am correcting an obvious misunderstanding. It is a fact that they are separate issues

Well I’m not here to have a pissing contest on who make better threads or not. I probably made one or two threads since I’ve been here. That’s definitely not my thing.

I get it though, you want to be accepted at the cool kids table so bad, but you keep on missing the mark. Keep trying though, you will get there.



Can you specify the false facts that I have posted?

They do?
What bill# is this?

Well congratulations. Does this mean we can be friends again? :wink:

You haven’t posted any facts at all. And your claims have been proven false.

If your point is the subsidy, you haven’t made it. As has been pointed out, employers subsidize.

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[quote=“sikofit, post:108, topic:236096, full:true”]

Call it what you will. Let me give you a little constructive feedback. Your tone is still coming off as rude.

If they buy a plan off the PUBLIC exchange . . . the plan (aka network docs) should be the same right? And if the HAVE to buy off the exchange is the $600 annual fee plan available to the public?

[quote=“altair1013, post:114, topic:236096, full:true”]

Or maybe you’re just upset about being wrong

Mod Note

Warned numerous times not to mention the private groups or try to use them as a weapon. It was a condition of allowing them. I suggest it doesn’t happen again.

The plans are the same. The medical networks are not. As government employees they have access to government doctors, it’s that simple.

My point it the entire package. What congress has planned for you is not the same as what they have planned for themselves. If it is, they should say so. They will not. The reason they are not saying that they will accept the same plan they want to force on us, is the fact that theirs is much, much better. If government is going to offer a plan, it must be a single plan. Not a separate plan for the public and private sectors. Same price, same benefits, same everything Word for word. Anything less means you get screwed.

Are they offering to accept for themselves what ever the force on us? So far, they have not said so. If it’s true they should say so.

So what you saying . . it’s not a public plan that anyone can buy off the exchange then? That they get something the public can’t? Why?

Clearly does seem to be trouble grasping the basics of the material, from how Obamacare works to not understanding how employer provided insurance works.

Thus the aforementioned and easily predictable hand waving. This is what is known as “getting too far out over your skis”.