The last health care question anyone needs to ask

I’m not seeing anything at all about Medicare for All here. Please stay on topic.


Democrats are running on expanding and protecting Obamacare:

That’s what Biden was referring to when he said “I am the Democratic Party” when President Sicky McCovidSpreader was ranting about all jacked up on speed so it could have been hard to follow.

So yes Congress and the Democratic Party are quite clear that they plan to include themselves in their own health care plans.



That’s really too bad, because it speaks directly to Trump’s assurances that he would resolve this issue with his repeatedly promised bigly excellent alternative to Obamacare.

So why doesn’t he just cut the crap?

According to the Census, there are 5,600,000 employers in the United States.

Please identify which plan Congress is supposed to mirror “word for word”.

Or are you saying that Congress is supposed to mandate “word for word” that each plan must be exactly the same for all people, meaning there is only 1 plan in the US.

Please explain.

Are you getting free access to military doctors? What about this? Does this apply to you?

No, healthcare isn’t free, but they do receive federal subsidies covering 72% of the cost of the premiums in an Obamacare gold-level plan.

This is the absolute perfect time for Trump to drop his excellent alternative to Obamacare. The boost he would receive in the polls would propel him to a second term so easily.

Why doesn’t he? Why?

The only question remaining is how often you’ll repeat yourself even though you have been answered already.


So simple even a cave man can get it. They say, “Read our subsidized gold plated medical plan. You get exactly the same thing. We get nothing that you don’t get. And it’s all for the same price.”

Would that be a good idea?

My employer plan is subsidized at the rate of 80.78%

The employee portion of my plan is supposed to increase about about 8%?

You can have the same exact thing too if you opt for a gold plan in Washington DC. There is no difference

Maybe because the answers are wrong? Example:

Are you getting free access to military doctors? What about this? Does this apply to you?

No, healthcare isn’t free, but they do receive federal subsidies covering 72% of the cost of the premiums in an Obamacare gold-level plan.

By whom?

So would anyone on the gold plan in DC. How are you not understanding this?

You said it needs to mirror our plans “word for word”.

Of the millions of employer plans, which are they supposed to mirror “word for word”.

You didn’t answer the question. If they mirror my plan “word for word”, then they may not have mirrored JayJay’s plan “word for word” or your plan “word for word”.

So which plan are they supposed to mirror?

Do you just not understand how health insurance works? This is weird


Why don’t you stroll on to a military base and demand to see a doctor for free and see what happens. Then tell me there’s no difference.

The coverage is the same. The medical network is not

My employer.

Just like the employer of a Congressman or Senator (Federal Government entity that is part of the Legislative Branch) subsidizes their premium.

They are employees of the federal government. Who else is supposed to subsidize part of their healthcare?

My husband’s employer and my daughter’s employer covers a higher percentage than that.

[quote=“sikofit, post:75, topic:236096, full:true”]

I will reply to you when you speak to me as respectfully as I speak to you. You must earn a reply from me. Try again.