The idea of catching Trump in a "perjury trap" ... is he really that scared?

Hillary’s not our president. She lost. Get over it.

Wasn’t taking about a president. I was referring to a criminal. I dont care if she is selling Mary Kay cosmetics now. She committed crimes.

Way to try to cover for the Orange Liar.

There were so many irregularities in the “investigation” that drew me to the conclusion it was biased beyond what could be considered credible.

Exactly…lying vs telling the truth is but a joke for trump–zees now.

Why did you misquote me? In the post you quoted, I never said Trump is a liar. You know that false quoting is against the TOS, right?

And since when has watching Hannity or Fox been a prerequisite for talking on this forum? You know that as well as anyone, Possum, Pogo or whoever, so don’t play that game with me.

Who took the Fifth? Not HIllary.

You want a Congressional investigation on selling Mary Kay cosmetics now? :laughing:

The Republicans in Congress who investigated were guilty of irregularities?

Sessions has been at the DOJ for how long and not found anything?

Do you think maybe the media who feeds you is playing you?

She lost bro. Get over it and focus your moral outrage on all the folks indicted so far in this administration.

Many of the documents requested still have NEVER been provided. They were stonewalled. That’s why now and only now…is the truth actually being revealed in a drip, drip, drip fashion. I’m patient my friend. I told you may suspicions years ago and now…we’ll see who is right? It could be you, that Hillary is innocent of everything and if it is…I’ll say so.

It’s only because she lost, we’re having this conversation. All of these redactions in documents provided to the Congressional oversight committee will probably reveal the truth behind the curtain and due to FOIA, they are being unredacted…slowly but surely.

So the republicans are inept at governing AND inept at investigating – even after 8 attempts.

A Buddy Holly song just popped into my head

Always some type of conspiracy with you guys.

The establishment is neither R nor D. It is united in keeping “we the people” divided.

Anything and everything.

Donald Trump is more honest than his critics about “anything and everything”?

And the propaganda folks like Hannity and Limbaugh aren’t making money at keeping people divided?

I find this fascinating also.