The idea of catching Trump in a "perjury trap" ... is he really that scared?

I could care less. They weren’t elected.

Yep. Most of his critics will climb a tree just for an opportunity to lie about him especially the media branch of critics.

So it is not the division that bothers you.

It should be crystal clear to you. I’m not saying Trump is 100 percent honest but his critics are pathetic.

So nothing the media has reported about the Trump admin. has been the truth?

I think right wing talk radio, especially it’s pioneers, started an acceleration of divisiveness in this country. Of course the left joined in: the likes of Keith olberman.

The Great Divider was Barack Obama.

If you admit Trump isn’t totally honest, then his critics do have legitimacy.

Never deal in absolutes but almost nothing they say is true regarding our President.

Bull poop. Being the first black president was bound to piss some people off.

Not at all. If Trump is 95 honest and the media is 10 percent honest…draw your own comparison.

But some things are true. So the media isn’t getting it all wrong, according to you, just some of it.

His being the 1st Alinsky president and the divisive policies and rhetoric is what pissed people off.

Hillary would have been worse.

Only 90 to 95 percent lies:sunglasses:. Magnificent!

They are 100 percent wrong in their russian collusion lies.

Yep no doubt about it.


They’re not part of the “establishment” that you’re so fond of mentioning?

Is Olberman even on the air anymore?

Where’d you get those numbers from?