The house select committee on Jan 6 Pt 2

Except… we have all the emails, texts and video of them doing it.

Is this a new thing… coping with the idea that they were doing some unconstitutional ■■■■ to overturn the election to just simply completely deny that it happened?

You are still missing it … doing what? Trying is not doing.

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But trying resulted in a violent riot where people died.

So why try in the first place? Especially when they know it isn’t Constitutional?

There is no connection to the riot events on January 6, with your alleged fake elector plot.


Hang Mike Pence.

Why would they chant that?

Because they heard he told Trump no.

… Nothing to do with alleged fake electors.

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What did he say no to?

Not certifying the election. Trump was under the mistaken impression that Pence could simply refuse his ceremonial duty to certify it to block the process.

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There was something else that was in the works to give Pence cover for not certifying the election. What was that?

Trump knew that he had lost.

Yet he still did this.

Except that people really honest to god did it.

Trying is it. Trying is what they did.

You tell me. I only deal in the facts, not the myths.

Whatever you think “this” was, it’s about as material as the facsimile of a gallows that someone erected outside the Capitol building.


No they didn’t. There were exactly zero fake electors seated.

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Yeah, tried … Like they tried to hang Mike Pense. :smirk:

“Our democracy”

Marcuse's world

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they honest to god tried to stop the counting of the votes by presenting fake electors to Pence.

No. Like they tried to stop pence from counting the votes.

There are emails, documents, video and texts that prove this.

Honest is a very odd word to use there. There is nothing honest about your assertion.

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You really believe that crap, don’t you. :neutral_face:

That doesn’t count as a fraud. It would if there were any way they were really trying to make him think they had gone through the normal process and fool him into make them the electors. Nonsense. Everybody knew the basis for their “claim”. No one relied on it. That’s why Pence wouldn’t go along.
More weaponization of the justice system to divide the country further apart.