The house select committee on Jan 6 Pt 2

It was Trump’s lawyers doing this at his direction.

Nobody was defrauded by labeling those expenses, which were part hush money and part legal expenses, as legal expenses. Not in any common usage or common law usage of the term fraud.
No one was defrauded by those alternate elector forms. Nothing was kept secret, there was no reliance on those forms and nobody stood to lose anything.

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There was a long and sustained riot at the Capitol and calls to hang the Vice President because of this scheme.

And I continually ask… if they were successful and Pence did go along with the plan thus throwing the election to Congress and likely to Trump… what would Jan 7 have looked like?

January 7 would look like resolving this in the political and the judicial system. Most likely, if those states had their electors sent back to the states to resolve, the states would have sent them back to DC.


You think that it would be that calm?

You don’t think that massive protests would erupt as Congress hands the Presidency to Trump?

Hedging already?

Electors are not appointed by lawyers either.

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Were they doing it on their own?

What were they doing?

Lining up fake electors

They had no authority to appoint any electors, real, alternative or fake.

The only thing fake here is the reason behind your outrage.


I know… but they tried to do it anyway.

You get that… right?

They did it to create cover to overturn the result of the election that Trump knew that he had lost.

They were willing to burn the country down to retain power. That should upset everyone.

Only in your imagination. It’s a myth. There is no possibility that “fake” delegates could have done anything.

Said as the Lib/Progs are burning down the country. What irony!


Then why did Trump try? That is the real question that should be answered. He thought that he could present a fake set of electors to give Mike Pence cover to unilaterally reject electoral votes and have Congress hand him the Presidency.

You keep saying that he doesn’t have the authority or that they couldn’t have done anything… but this is a thing that they actually did. So why did they do it?

Repeating the myth does not make it real.

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There are emails. There are text exchanges. There is video of them signing fake documents.

They did this.

So… why did they do it?

Because they wanted you to believe the myth to make you© look silly?

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That isn’t why and you know it.

no its not. they really did it.

doesn’t mean they didn’t try.

How do you know? And why would you think I know?

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And it doesn’t mean they did. That’s how “it’s a myth” works. Someone starts a rumor. Others repeat it. And then they begin to quote each other to “prove” that it’s true. House of cards …