The GOP Should Be SCARED (If Biden Pulls This Off)

Pandering is bi-partisan.

Spill over.

From what Democrat policy? What are the Democrats doing that forces President Trump to engage on a “War on White Men”?

How does affirmative action hurt white men? Do you have any data on that.

Also given that AA benefits white women the most and white women typically marry white men… seems like they get the benefit of that too

If a minority or female is elected to a political position, does that automatically translate into white men being harmed?


Intersectionality shot fired!

Because a minority/female cannot adequately represent the needs of white men?

Oh gosh :rofl:

This assumes white men are entitled to all positions and thus a white man not getting the position is an attack

Yes. At all.


Do you have any data that shows AA adversely impacted white men?

So just to be clear - you were harmed by the nomination of Palin? By the seating of Justice Barrett?

Not all. Proportionate to the share of the population.


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No, it assumes a color blind and gender blind electorate would elect a legislature that reflects the make up of the electorate. At least broadly. When you see a large segment with no representation something more than coincidence is going on.


How would you rectify that?

Vote for people who will nominate people who represent me. Who look like me.

Cool, so where is the data that shows that white men have been adversely impacted by AA?

For starters by forcing the government not to even see race or gender. No asking people what race or gender they are let alone making laws or regulations or handing out money based on it.