The freaky, shocking latest Q posts

What’s shocking about it? None of those names are new news

Whatever. Yes. Some. Lawmakers ARE trying to legalize pedophilia. What are you defending? You are wasting my time.

Which ones?

This list is over a year long and first posted by actual russian propaganda troll farms. It was shown in some of the very first response to this thread. Any comment on that?

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Here’s why those cabinets were expensive on the Wayfair site. It’s because they’re being sold by a third-party vendors who get penalized if they don’t have the product in stock. So instead of saying they don’t have the product in stock they raise the rate of the product a normal cabinet that would be $200 is now $50,000.

You are also seeing more people selling unused products because their return shipping rate is high.

He’s not defending anything or anybody.

He’s simply calling out your discourse for the rambling incoherent mess that it is.

You are not a lonely warrior standing in the breach defending America from decadence and evil.

Get over yourself already.

Stop your Russian crap.

What/who are you defending?

Name the lawmakers trying to legalize pedophilia

“Lawmakers ARE trying to legalize pedophilia”…name them.

It’s not Russia crap. This list was litteraly posted word for word in July of 2019 by a website called USAReally… That is actually a honest to goodness IRA troll farm front…

Do you deny this list was posted over a year ago?

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Now back to the ROOTS of this Hollywood Pedo/killer story…
Here is Steve Hodel regarding his father as the Black DAHLIA killer story.


Q knows his people won’t think.


I do not deny this list is old, no. It just happen to be the latest of the Q stuff.

What’s the point? What/who are you defending?


Nonsense. Of course everyone knows.

No logic there

The point is fairly obvious…why is Q posting an old outdated list that litteraly came word for word from a Russian disinformation troll farm. It’s not defending anyone…more of an overt attack at ‘Q’

Why not edit it instead of wholesale cut and paste?


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it’s pointless to engage. there’s a series disconnect with reality when it comes to Q believers. Nothing will change that.