The features I hope get added

Hmmm, without seeing it, that would be hard for me to diagnose.

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Oh well, I’m not missing much. Lol.

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Mine does it too. Right about the time I start focusing on a post, it jumps away.

I share the dislike for the endless scrolling. Imma get carpal tunnel here!

Yes, that’s what it does! I end up just giving up.

And the endless scrolling is difficult.

Glad I’m not the only one.

I don’t have any problem anywhere else.

I haven’t had trouble anywhere else either. It’s as if the few posts that are showing on the screen are all that are cached and scrolling up or down initiates loading activity. Maybe it’s the ads causing the jump in that process.

Like you, I just go do something else. It’s prolly better for me. I saw the sun today. :laughing:

So what happened to the old Hannity Forum?
I was away for six months or so doing some cabin remodeling, but when I came back it was still here.
Now six weeks or less later, “POOF” everything is gone, including my 70,000+ posts.

Yup, I’m glad I’m not the only one. That just figures it’s us, doesn’t it? The universe is still trying to tell us something :slight_smile:

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In the lower right of the screen there’s a box that shows the post number your currently reading followed by the total number of posts. Click that, then on the lower left appears a “jump to” box. Tap that and then you can put in the number of the post you want to go to.

You’re using a flip phone.


I had a pink flip phone with a slide out keyboard. That thing was so cool. I still have it. I get it out once in a while and caress it’s sweet curves, flip it open, pull out the keyboard, and imagine I’m in a convertible in the sunshine, texting someone important.


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I have had that happen when using my wife’s iPad too. Is your phone an Apple product?

Have you tried dragging the place indicator at the right of posts? It’s a lot faster than scrolling in long threads.

Nope. It’s not Apple. And it works fine Avery where but here.

Hey! How’d you get here? I didn’t let you onto my wood!

I don’t have that at all. A place indicator.

We don’t know why, but they just told us one day that our days there were numbered and that if we wanted to play we had to sign up here.

I don’t miss my 100+ k posts, but I do miss being able to pull up some of those old threads. Is like the burning of the Alexandria library.

What’s that? That this new site sucks? :wink:

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Not on my screen …

I got lost, wandered around a while, and ended up here. :slight_smile:

Yeah, the sliding bar at the right of the posts that shows the number of the post you are viewing and the total number of posts in the thread. I call it a place indicator … techies may have a different name for it.