The false notion that these Democrat politicians are really something special

If he was, he would be losing.

Because law politics and public policy are not as talent demanding as heart surgery…maybe??

Fetterman health changes everything including any poll more than a few days old.

It doesn’t really.

His health hasn’t been a factor for months.

Why would that change now?

Right. So when they have talk to your Senate candidate events…who will do the talking? Gissell? She seems to be pulling all the strings now.

Tom Brady is an awesome quarterback. Doesn’t mean that when he officially retires on a Sunday he can show up at a hospital for his new job as a heart surgeon on Monday.

Because they hid him while he recovered.

The recovered version doesn’t look so good.

Looks better than Oz

He could easily be a good Senator or Congressman like so many other former NFL players.

Medical Surgery is a heavier lift. That is the point.

It’s obvious that any (D)umb jackass can be a politician. :rofl:

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Has the election happened yet? Of the people of Pennsylvania are stupid enough to vote for uncle festers cousin there’s nothing the rest of us can do about it…

But we learn daily that democrats need to be removed from control in our government. From Afghanistan to the border to the lie of the inflation reduction act your party and the dirtbags you voted for prove fault they are beyond incapable…but are in fact corrupt oars mismanaging this government on purpose …

I’m not in love with doctor is but this democrat party is so corrupt it’s beyond repair.

We’ve already got a president mentally and physically incapable of doing the job…what the hell fo we need a sick disabled fester man puppet ing Biden incapable of putting sentences together in the senate. Hopefully the voters will recognize that 50 year mommas has no business in a position if power.

Then accept some debate dates. He won’t. He can’t. He is in poor health.

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Seems like Biden has been scoring a ton of wins recently and that is making y’all mad.

Oz is a terrible candidate. Everyone knew that if he won the primary that he would be very easy to campaign against.

The fact that he can’t campaign effectively against a stroke victim should tell you all you need to know.

It’s about the person. It’s honestly hilarious to see a Republican complaining about a lack of policy talk after the last five years.

And I’ve known John Fetterman for fifteen plus years, he’s about the closest to a real human being you’re going to get in the Senate. Because he genuinely shouldn’t have won a single one of these elections but he did. Gonna win this one in a walk too.

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When is the debate then?

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Maybe never.

Does Fetterman even need to debate Oz?

Was real. Not so much now. He won’t win if he can’t recover enough to debate.

All you do is have some show up at his events, film him speaking and then do a super cut that makes it look like he can’t speak properly. Bam. A twenty year old Young Republican could figure this out. Not Oz though. Instead, raw asparagus and carrot crudités with salsa and tequila.

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He does need to debate him or he will lose. PA isn’t THAT blue.

You knew what would happen if Oz won the nomination. You called it on here. You don’t have to pretend this dude has a shot in hell of winning.