The edit button is sorta back but now I can edit others posts

I need to read more topics and give out more likes to earn regular, it appears.

For sure I’ve gotten enough likes.

How is this supposed to help “regular” (as in normal, not “trusted regular”) folks be able to edit typos in their own posts?

They’re never going to address that.

Not saying this to be mean…just if this hasn’t been solved in several months…it never will be.

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So this means I can fix my spelling?

Cool…not that it’s going to help much.

Well damn yes…Yes I can.

I’m just going to flag it and leave it up to you. :sunglasses:

Be aware, editing others posts is grounds for a long term ban from the board

Oops, I did test on post 7…poking fun at FreeAndClear. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Right, so Why does only Calirepub have abilities that some of us don’t. This all seems to be quite random.

Wait. A poe can edit their posts, but long time members can’t?

I don’t understand why we do not simply give everyone back the right to edit their posts, with just the admonition you laid down- if you abuse it by editing others’ posts, you’re out.

Is this too difficult?

I appear to have met whatever milestone is necessary to gain the ability to edit my own posts by making them a wiki.

This makes them editable by the rest of the board, which sparks some ideas for group participation posts, or wikis, but if using it to edit our own posts, we should set the post we want to edit to wiki, do the edit, then turn off the wiki again to avoid others editing it later.

I’m a long time member of this board. Sorry.

I would never edit another person’s posts.

However, it’s really weird that option is available. I don’t like it.

I was just testing what seemed to be a weird bug that everyone else was editing. No malicious intent. Won’t happen again.

I deleted that post because I got tired of getting notifications whenever someone edited. I know it was fun for awhile, but it got old for me.

Well now we can’t undo our edits and we’re all gonna get banned and it’s all yer fault.

But i’m going to be fine. I didn’t fall into the temptation of editing other people’s posts, like all of you sinners.

JUDGE NOT :see_no_evil:

You’re good. That warning was for the open forum.

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I don’t want to edit anyone elses posts.

Just my own.


(This is an test using Wiki function.)


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