New Indictment Any Minute Now

Not our grandfathers communist soviets either.

Which is primarily why the left no longer likes them.


I’d like to know what happens to those who violate the honor system. Some lib already did it to me.

THIS us why the left does not like Russia now.

I’m not flagging it but maybe the person needs a gentile reminder.

Snow, that’s one downside to this new Wiki editing system. That should be shut as soon as the editing is finished and not with the multi-step procedure used to close it now (which I’ve found doesn’t always happen).

Yeah this might be worse

i hope it was obvious that what i said was said intended in jest

Better than the downside of the edit button in general. That one you couldn’t turn the ability on/off. It was always on.

Personally, I don’t give a rats if people don’t turn it off. They know they don’t edit anothers posts, they know the penalty. If they want to fall on a sword that’s their business.

So which is it?

In two posts one mod told me its my responsibility to close my wiki, and now you’re saying you don’t care.

I also notice that my post explaining why I don’t mind that I left one open was deleted, and as seems to be the case, without explained reason or notice.

It seems yall might need to get together and establish some actual policy on this. I think Snow has it right, it’s no big deal, and people will forget to turn it off here and there. Why make that a penalty? It’s not illegal to leave your doors unlocked at night.

Well we dont get it from the white house…why would we start here :slight_smile:

Turns out Russia shouldn’t shoot 300 civilians out of the sky, over half of which were from the Netherlands, and not expect the Dutch to be pissed.

Thank goodness they’re our friend and shared with us what they found. Thank goodness more and more information on Russia’s attacks on our citizens is coming to light.

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They should write some simple hacky javascript if the username in the post is different from the scraped logged in user then remove the wiki button from the DOM…booooom

What about expecting them to follow some rules and procedures is so out of line and abhorrent?

There is nothing wrong with that. Nor is it immoral or demeaning.

Get a grip.

I disagree. Some of his posts approach absurd poetry, and he just tosses them out there effortlessly.

This batch of indictments really sped up the avalanche. Not even monday yet.

"People have said that they have Ukraine fatigue. And it’s really Russian fatigue because what Russia is doing is doing to us, financing our populists, financing people in our governments to undo our governments, you know, messing with our oil and gas energy, all the things Russia does to basically blow up our country, they’re just going to roll right through us and go to the Baltics and everyone else,”

Without googling, guess who said it?

I just looked back at that recently. Is it Paul Ryan?


I’m not good at this.