New Indictment Any Minute Now

I disagree. Some of his posts approach absurd poetry, and he just tosses them out there effortlessly.

This batch of indictments really sped up the avalanche. Not even monday yet.

"People have said that they have Ukraine fatigue. And it’s really Russian fatigue because what Russia is doing is doing to us, financing our populists, financing people in our governments to undo our governments, you know, messing with our oil and gas energy, all the things Russia does to basically blow up our country, they’re just going to roll right through us and go to the Baltics and everyone else,”

Without googling, guess who said it?

I just looked back at that recently. Is it Paul Ryan?


I’m not good at this.

sean hannity?

Marg get’s the chicken dinner!

same conversation in which McCarthy says

two people, I think, Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump.”

Those guys have known about all of this the whole time.

Thus ends the investigation… Rod told no Americans were knowingly involved and it had no real effect on the election…

He didn’t say that… but carry on.

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Okay, so how bad a guess was Romney?

I don’t follow…?

Well, I wanted to guess at your quote. Romney occurred to me first. I don’t know why. As I typed it, I thought it was a terrible guess. I was just curious whether it struck you as terrible as well.

What’s your source for the Greenwald bit? I saw Wheeler’s post discussed a fair bit and I’ve tried googling but can’t find a connection to Greenwald aside from unrelated context for her reporting (she used to work at the Intercept, he’s a skeptic, etc.).

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I can’t divulge that :slight_smile: Put it down as informed conjecture :slight_smile:

Oh sorry I didn’t look a the post you responded to, my bad.

Marge got it earlier, Paul Ryan.

You’re an interesting person.

:joy: :rofl:

Haha. You said “most people with eyes agree”! I don’t think it’s out of the question (although I think knee-jerk contrarianism and hatred of the Democratic party over anything else are sufficient explanations of his behavior) but I thought that made it sound like it’s common speculation and I hadn’t seen it anywhere.