New Indictment Any Minute Now

That’s all you got? Good boy young Vlad. MARA!

That’s a solid take, but everybody needs to stop responding to that meat bee in good faith.


Isn’t the indict suppose to make them fear us? I doubt it does. What else do I need to have?

Read no evil…lol!

Wiki on. You had several on. This one is still on. It’s in your post about how brilliant libs are.

What do you think your best post in history is? Go ahead and link it or copy and paste it here.

I’m going to skip to the end. The best thing you’ve ever written was complete, total, throwaway crap.


Hard to say… “Socialists killed 100 million people in the 20th century.” Perhaps, " Why did the earth heat up the last six times?.. Or it’s corollary " Thank god we live in an inter glacial warm period" … I’ll work on it and get back to you… maybe…

what the ■■■■ did i just read?

This is some bad ■■■■ she is saying huh

Oh, they do something, but I think it is beyond your understanding.

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My point is you’re willfully ignorant. Thanks for making that point easy to prove, again. You can’t even be bothered to watch the intro to a great documentary on the subject? Ok, that’s on you.

thx. I’ma leave a few open here and there though. Test out this honor system.

Bait and ban hasn’t typically been an acceptable practice here.

Must resist …making…changes

Clearly one is being paid off by Putin and the other was brainwashed under torture, Iprcess File style. One can only imagine how great this Russian conspiracy is…especially since imagination is the only evidence available.


The dutch gave us a camera feed into Cozy Bear’s offices.

The indictment from Friday contains a level of detail regarding the work of “guccifer” to show that we’ve also compromised the systems of many of the indicted.

There’s so much more that’s been posted in this thread alone that it’s surely easier for you to stop using your imagination in coming up with new ways to avoid all these facts.

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cade vii mk?

That’ll get you a quick ticket back to level 2. Lock your posts up please. There’s no reason to test other’s honor.

Yes you must. You make changes to anothers post, we can see who did it. And you WILL have a long time to think about why you shouldn’t change other’s posts.

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Where are all of your personal details?

Wow, sounds a lot like we illegally hacked computers in Russia, under Russian law anyway. I hope they don’t indict our guys.

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